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~ .~ ..~ _ . <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1521 <br />SERIES 2007 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.12.060 OF THE LOUISVILLE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE, CONCERNING TAX RELIEF FOR THE ELDERLY, TO <br />ESTABLISH CERTAIN ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILTY RESTRICTIONS <br />WHEREAS, the City 11as established a program to provide tax relief for the <br />elderly, which program consist of ,a rebate to qualifying persons of a designated portion <br />of the ad valorem property taxes levied by the City and actually paid on the dwelling <br />owned or rented by such person; and <br />WHEREAS, the State of Colorado has enacted a property tax exemption for <br />qualifying senior, as provided tin Section 3.5 of article X of the Colorado Constitution, <br />Colorado Revised Statutes § 39-3-201 et sec.., and related regulations, all as in effect <br />from time to time; and <br />WHEREAS, in view oi' the City's budgetary constraints, the City Council finds <br />that it is appropriate to additionally limit eligibility for the City relief program to those <br />persons who are not eligible for the state property tax exemption; <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO: <br />Section 1. Subsection B of Section 3.12.060 of the Louisville Municipal <br />Code is hereby amended to react (words added are underlined; words deleted are sere <br />~) <br />Sec. 3.12.060 Computation of amounts payable. <br />B. Effective for tax year 2003 and thereafter, no taxes assessed <br />pursuant to a city debt ser<~ice mill levy shall be eligible for any rebate, <br />allowance or benefit under this chapter. Additionally, effective for tax <br />year 2007 and thereafter, nc~ property tax rebate, allowance or benefit shall <br />be paid pursuant to this chapter if the applicant is eligible for the state of <br />Colorado property tax exemption for qualif~~ seniors. The city maX <br />require the applicant affirm in writing that he or she is not eligible for the <br />state property tax exemption for qualifyin seniors as provided for under <br />section 3.5 of article X of the Colorado Constitution and related statutes <br />and regulations.. This limitation shall be applied on a year b~year basis, <br />and shall apply irrespective of whether the applicant has applied for or <br />obtained the state exemption. <br />