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b. General Notes from the hole by hole review: <br />i. Cart path widening and curb program will be updated on a hole by hole basis <br />where needed. <br />ii. The overall goal is to make the golf course more enjoyable and challenging for <br />more golfers and all skill levels. <br />iii. Discussion was had and the Pros and Cons from Norby were provided for the re- <br />numbering of the golf holes. <br />iv. Notes from the members of the GCAB's review if the preliminary plans were <br />discussed and considered. <br />v. It was noted that the City stated we would be in violation of the regulations if <br />we put storm drainage directly into the creek with via drainage pipe. So these <br />pipes will need to utilize a dry well method or daylight on golf course property <br />before it goes directly into the stream. <br />vi. LU has done some initial investigation of the green profiles, and it was found <br />that there is significant sediment in the top 4" of the majority of the greens. <br />Core samples will be pulled and tested for recommendations. It was also found <br />that there are significant variations in the sand depths on the greens. This is not <br />a desirable condition and further recommendations will be made with the <br />additional due diligence. <br />vii. Updated hole by hole sheets will be provided at the next meeting. <br />3.) Miscellaneous items: <br />a. An open house was held to welcome public involvement and feedback. <br />b. A Golf Course Board meeting was held after the open house. <br />i. The hole by hole plans were reviewed and the comments and suggestions will <br />be incorporated into the revised plans which are to be provided to the City this <br />week. <br />ii It was discussed that the D/B team needs to look at flood mitigation for the <br />tunnel crossing at Dillon road. This is currently not part of the scope of work so <br />this will be further investigated. <br />iii. The goal is to have all final D/B program in place by January 28th so that it can be <br />entered into the City Council packet for consideration. <br />iv. The next meeting will be a City Council study session on January <br />3 <br />21St. <br />