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Revitalization Commission <br />Nlinutes <br />January 13, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />City Manager Fleming stated that the City has funding to deal with each crossing <br />in Louisville by 2016. <br />With that change, the minutes were approved as presented. <br />Public Comments — none <br />Reports of the Commission: <br />• Commissioner Gorsevski would like follow up on Quiet Zones. He reported that <br />Commerce City had assistance from Senators. <br />• Chair Becker would like a Gateway update on each agenda. <br />• Commissioner Tofte would like an update on the parking study. Economic <br />Director DeJong will have Planning director Troy Russ report at the next LRC <br />meeting. <br />• Rick Brew will bring information regarding construction liability to the next LRC <br />meeting <br />• Chair Becker requested an update on the Tri -Party agreement. DeJong reported <br />he has not had a response to his letter. Commissioner Menaker asked if we <br />could implement the revised terms of the agreement without the County's input. <br />Sam Light said yes, if we don't get a response. <br />Business Matters of the Commission — <br />a. WELCOME STEVE FISHER: <br />Chair Becker welcomed Steve Fisher to the LRC. Commissioner Fisher <br />summarized his background and looks forward to working with members. <br />b. 2014 AGENDA POSTING LOCATIONS <br />• Motion was made to approve posting locations noted in the packet. By <br />affirmation, the motion was approved. <br />c. OPEN GOVERNMENT PAMPHLET: <br />• The Open Government Pamphlet was discussed. Chair Becker and <br />Commissioners Gorsevski, Fisher and Tofte are required to complete <br />Open Government Training in April. <br />d. ELECTION OF 2014 OFFICERS (Chair, Vice - Chair, Secretary): <br />• Chair Becker asked for nomination of Chair. Commissioner Menaker <br />made a motion that the LRC reappoint the existing officers. By voice <br />affirmation, the motion was approved. <br />e. TIF FINANCIAL MODEL UPDATE <br />• Anticipated $195,000 revenue <br />