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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chair Jim Bradford. Meeting <br />Minutes taken by Cullen Choi. <br /> (Members presentin bold): , , , <br />, , Mark Persichetti; ; Staff Liaison ; City- <br />Council Liaison . In attendance was Lea Yancy from Boulder County. <br /> The agenda was approved as-is. <br />th <br /> meeting were <br />The minutes from the February 19 <br />approved as-is. <br /> <br />General comments were made about the proposed cellular towers on the recreation center, with <br />specific comment to the confusion about the number of towers and the potential impacts to the <br />citizens who use the center and have a line of sight of the center. Ashley recused herself from the <br />discussion due to the nature of the subject and her inability to comment on the current status. <br />Jim discussed the presentation at study session with council and the idea of creat <br />sustainability plan. It was identified that particular emphasis should be given to: <br />Carrots, not sticks approach <br />Benefits and payback of a plan <br />How should dollars and staff time be spent? <br />Dave wanted to emphasize that any presentation of a potential plan ne <br />consider who the audience is and that these types of plans can b <br />lots of details and are confusing factors. <br />Dave also indicated that Council said that they were interested in the survey <br />recently completed to get citizen input on sustainability matter, and that this <br />method could help in order to know what the citizens want to see <br />Jim thinks that we have an opportunity to get community input on what the citizens <br />might want as goals in a sustainability plan. <br />Justine enjoyed listeningat the session and hearing viewpoints of different council <br />members on the subject. <br />Mark was missing from the meeting, so the overall Zero Waste discussion was tabled. <br />Dave indicated that he and Mark went to a meeting with the count <br />potential county-wide sustainability tax. <br />City of Louisville <br />Public Works Department 749 Main Street <br /> Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4608(phone) 303.335.4550(fax) <br />