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City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br />April 22, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />did not feel the City should give itself a pass. She stated it is the gateway to the City <br />and has incredible vistas. <br />Council member. Lipton asked if the facility will serve any function on the golf course. <br />Parks and Recreation Director Stevens responded no. City Manager Fleming explained <br />the Golf Course has its own maintenance facility. Parks and Recreation Director <br />Stevens stated there will be a lot of cross training with parks and the golf course <br />regarding irrigation and the recreation division will coordinate other non -golf functions at <br />the golf course. <br />Council member Stolzmann inquired if the golf course maintenance facility will be <br />upgraded. Parks and Recreation Director Stevens explained there are contingencies in <br />the golf course reconstruction contract for the deferred maintenance at the golf course <br />maintenance facility. <br />Council Keany explained the City has tried to build this facility for two decades. He <br />supported the facilities for the City employees. He recognized the risks involved at the <br />current facility and requested the City maximize grant opportunities. <br />Mayor Muckle stated the City is getting the value needed and is doing it right. City <br />Manager Fleming stated the staff members in public works support the design. He <br />asked Parks and Recreation Director Stevens if the design meets the needs of the <br />parks and open space divisions. <br />Parks and Recreation Director Stevens confirmed it did meet their needs. He stated the <br />staff shares the City Council's frustrations. They conducted a charrette with impacted <br />department staff members to determine how to best serve the interest of the City and <br />the employees. He noted it was a very participatory process. <br />Mayor Muckle stated everyone is looking for functionality. Parks and Recreation <br />Director Stevens stated more equipment can be stored inside instead of outside, which <br />will extend the life of the equipment. He noted there were site restrictions and trade- <br />offs, but he felt the money will be well spent and that in 15 -20 years the difficult decision <br />to move from the existing site to a new, larger location will have proved the right thing <br />to do for Louisville. <br />CIP Manager Trettin outlined the next steps: Department referral reviews; PUD <br />submittal to the Planning Commission in July /August and to the Council in August or <br />September. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Muckle adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m. <br />