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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 20, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 20 <br />Fundraising efforts are currently in progress. The timeline is to have a ceremonial <br />ground breaking on Arbor Day of 2015 and dedication in September 2015. <br />APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Approval of the Bills <br />B. Approval of Minutes — May 5, 2014; May 6, 2014 <br />C. Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Boulder for Automated <br />Library Services <br />D. Award Bid for 2014 Utility Project <br />E. Approve Contract with Hatch Mott MacDonald for the Howard Berry Water <br />Treatment Plant Sludge Treatment/Handling <br />MOTION: Mayor Muckle called for changes to the Consent Agenda and hearing none, <br />moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Council member Stolzmann wanted residents <br />notified as the water main line replacement progresses. Seconded by Council member <br />Stolzmann. All were in favor. Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE <br />AGENDA <br />Mayor Muckle reported receiving notice of a June 25 opening of Alfalfa's. He just <br />returned from a trip to Las Vegas with City Manager Fleming and Economic <br />Development Director DeJong attending the International Shopping Center annual <br />convention. They met with many of Louisville's large retailers and it was a productive <br />and worthwhile convention. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />City Manager Fleming mentioned the Louisville Standard and Poor's bond rating has <br />increased from AA to AA +. This will reduce the cost of borrowing for the City and <br />reflects the sound financial decisions by Council and staff. He thanked Kevin Watson, <br />Finance Director for his work in maintaining a strong financial position. <br />Street Faire discussion has led to the painting of no parking zones. He cautioned if the <br />strict 30' from stop signs was adhered to, it might severely limit the parking spaces. <br />Some of the changes include re- striping on South Street, bike corrals for Street Faire, <br />and offsite parking for vendors and workers. The police department will step up <br />enforcement of parking violations. He encouraged residents to call dispatch if they <br />observe parking violations. <br />City Manager Fleming asked Parks and Recreation Director Stevens for an update on <br />the golf course rehabilitation. Parks and Recreation Director Stevens said the plan was <br />to open the course in spring of 2015. He felt comfortable with where the process is <br />currently. The project includes listening to neighbors concerning stockpiling of debris <br />and redesign. Seeding the greens is scheduled to start in July and seeding will <br />