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City Council Minutes 2014 05 20
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2014 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2014 05 20
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CCMIN 2014 05 20
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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 20, 2014 <br />Page 5 of 20 <br />their goals. Mr. Moreno stated Republic appreciates being an environmental steward <br />and agreed the Emerald Ash Borer quarantine issue was important as was abiding by <br />all the regulations for disposal of any waste. <br />Mayor Muckle asked where recyclables would go. The answer was Boulder County <br />Recycling Center. <br />Mayor Muckle asked about one day per week pick up and the price point. Mr. Allen <br />replied this would come at a considerable capital cost to them. He felt the four day per <br />week service provides them with the most strategic and cost effective approach and <br />was why they submitted their proposal that way. <br />Frank Bruno, 235 Inca Parkway, Boulder, CO President and CEO of Western Disposal <br />Services introduced Dan Souders, owner and Bryce Isaacson, VP of Sales & Marketing. <br />He thanked the Council for the opportunity to work with the City for the past five years <br />and the opportunity to increase diversion. He appreciated the process the City went <br />through with the Request for Proposals (RFP). Customer service is a primary objective <br />of the company along with being as efficient and effective as they can be. This includes <br />the one day collection. He reported the company's affection for the City of Louisville <br />and offered to answer any questions. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Choke Cherry Dr., Louisville, CO reported Western has <br />always picked up trash at his home with exceptional customer service. He asked <br />Council to revisit the criteria and consider not just if they can do it but how they do it. <br />R. J. Harrington, 457 E. Raintree Ct., Louisville, CO having recognized Dominic Moreno <br />thanked him for his public service with Commerce City and the State of Colorado. Mr. <br />Harrington remembered when the single hauler trash issue was originally discussed and <br />the difficulty with which it was addressed. He felt price was over - emphasized in this <br />current process and should have included more emphasis on sustainability. He liked <br />one day a week pick up and encouraged a local business multiplier. He thanked the <br />drivers and reported customer service had been excellent. He asked for consideration <br />of the carbon footprint of the trucks and to address electronics disposal. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Council member Stolzmann asked about not allowing yard waste. Public Works <br />Director Kowar stated it was just Emerald Ash Borer waste needing to be taken to <br />another location or processed at Republic's landfill within the quarantine area. <br />Council member Stolzmann asked who holds liability for the waste. Public Works <br />Director Kowar saw it as a partnership. A conflict exists in the contract but no one <br />wants to break any laws; only provide service and value. <br />
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