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Revitalization Commission <br />Minutes <br />May 12, 2014 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />$4m max in bond proceeds provided by bond purchasers. This money goes into <br />a construction account which will be managed by the Finance Director and <br />audited by the city’s external auditors. <br />Extra money will be provided by DELO and the City for drainage infrastructure <br />The Planned Unit Development (PUD) must be done – it specifies what is in and <br />on the ground: <br /> Construction starts <br /> Pay requests are generated by the developer and signed off by the Public <br />Works Director and City Manager <br />No call provision is incorporated in the bond language that reflects the Term <br />Sheet <br />The revenue supporting the bonds will come from Tax Increment Financing (TIF) <br />generated from the core area. <br />The investor’s risk is if property values don’t generate sufficient increased taxes <br />in an amount to support the bonds. <br />Chair Becker would like clarification on: <br />What happens if default occurs? <br />Limited amount of time and Urban Renewal Authority ends?: <br />Per Attorney Light: we go in with the assumption that it will be paid. If not paid, <br />the LRC does not want underperforming bond, investors could be asked to <br />renegotiate but the LRC is not obligated to do that. <br />Commissioner Menaker said a regional water solution will take time and the No <br />Call provision can be extended. <br />Percent paid to Counsel Dee Wisor is typically 1% of the bond. <br />A straw poll was taken and all Commissioners were comfortable with DeJong’s <br />presentation and moving forward. <br />DELO is requesting the bond cap be increased to $4.5m. The additional <br />$500,000 would be earmarked for regional detention <br />Chair Becker asked how is the City and LRC protected: <br /> Rick Brew responded that there is no assurance that there will be any <br />change to the Term Sheet <br /> The city is not obligated to re-open terms, the risk is on the investor and <br />DELO <br />4 <br />