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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 3, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 26 <br />C. Approve June 24, 2014 as a Special Meeting <br />D. Approval of Tom Tennessen as a Full Member of the Local Licensing <br />Authority <br />E. Approval of Resolution No. 31, Series 2014 — A Resolution Approving a <br />Second Amendment to the Purchase and Sales Agreement Between <br />Louisville Mill Site, LLC and the City of Louisville <br />F. Approve June 10, 2014 as a City Council Special Meeting to Swear in New <br />Ward I Councilmember <br />MOTION: Mayor Muckle called for changes to the Consent Agenda and hearing none, <br />moved to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Council member Stolzmann. All <br />were in favor. <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE <br />AGENDA <br />No comments. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />City Manager Fleming reported the City crews painted 25 no parking signs on the <br />pavement in the downtown area just in time for The Taste of Louisville, on Saturday. <br />This event will provide a test for the effectiveness of the signs. There will be parking <br />enforcement in the downtown area and warnings will be issued. <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />APPOINTMENT OF WARD I COUNCILMEMBER <br />Mayor Muckle explained on March 20th Councilmember Emily Jasiak resigned her seat <br />on the City Council, leaving the seat vacant with 3'/2 years remaining in the term. <br />The City Council will appoint a Ward I resident to take office until the next state -wide <br />general election (November of 2014). A majority vote (4) of the remaining members is <br />required to appoint an applicant to the position. Candidates who were interested in filling <br />the vacancy submitted applications and were interviewed by the City Council. There <br />were originally four candidates, but two candidates subsequently withdrew. The <br />remaining candidates are Susan Honstein and Jayme Moss. The City Council will vote <br />by paper ballot on the appointment of the Ward I Council member. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mayor Muckle noted Susan Honstein currently serves on the Cultural Council and has <br />been very active in community issues. He felt she was an ideal candidate to fill the <br />vacancy because of her service and participation at meetings. <br />