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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 3, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 26 <br />Economic Development Director DeJong requested City Council action on a proposed <br />Economic Development Business Assistance Package (BAP) for the location of a new <br />facility for Tusaar Corp. The proposed business assistance is similar in nature to others <br />recently granted, including a partial rebate on both the building permit fees and <br />construction use tax for tenant improvements to 385 South Pierce Avenue in the <br />Colorado Technology Center (CTC). <br />Tusaar was established in 2009 to commercialize technology invented and patented at <br />the University of Colorado in Boulder. The development and research has been funded <br />by the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy. Tusaar's <br />technology is a process, which involves the surface treatment and permeation of <br />granulated activated carbon with environmentally friendly organic compounds to remove <br />metals and other materials from water, recycled materials, and ores. The technology <br />keeps metals and materials out of the waste stream. <br />Tusaar is proposing to establish their first pilot plant to commercialize their technology. <br />They currently have laboratory space in Lafayette and will maintain this operation and <br />location. They are looking for a second location. The project will employ 10 new jobs <br />earning a salary above the Boulder County Average Wage of approximately $59,000 <br />per year. Tusaar is also evaluating locations in Boulder and Gunbarrel. <br />Staff estimates Tusaar will generate new revenue of approximately $6,000 from building <br />permit fees and construction use taxes directly to the City in the first year of operation, <br />given an investment of $100,000 for the tenant improvements. Approximately $500 of <br />that amount is fees designated for Open Space and Historic Preservation purposes. <br />Assistance Offered: 50% rebate of City Building Permit Fees and 50% rebate of <br />Construct Use Taxes. The incentives are capped at $3,000. Staff recommended City <br />Council approval of Resolution No. 32, Series 2014, a Business Assistance Agreement <br />with Tusaar Corporation for tenant improvements at 385 South Pierce Avenue in the <br />Colorado Technology Center in the City of Louisville. <br />APPLICANT PRESENTATION <br />Gautam Khanna, Tusaar Corporation President, 720 Johnson Street, Louisville, CO, <br />explained Tusaar uses CU technology for water treatment, nuclear waste management <br />and the extraction of valuable metals from recycled materials. They will not bring any <br />radioactive materials into Louisville or Lafayette. He explained Tusaar is proposing to <br />establish their first pilot plant to commercialize their technology in Louisville. Their lab is <br />currently in Lafayette and will maintain at this location. Their first project is the recycling <br />of light bulbs. <br />MOTION: Council member Loo moved to approve Resolution No. 32, Series 2014, <br />seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. <br />