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LouisvilleHistoricalCommission <br />MeetingMinutes <br />May7,2014 <br />LouisvillePublicLibraryMeetingRoom <br />951SpruceStreet <br />6:30p.m. <br />I. Call to Order & Introductions: Commission Chair Dan Mellish (DM) called the <br />meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. <br />II. Roll Call: <br />Commission Members Present: Dan Mellish, Lynn Koglin, Gladys Levis-Pilz, Jon <br />Ferris, Steve Domenico, Anne Robinson, and Paula Elrod <br />Commission Members Absent: Dave Ferguson and Tom Brennan <br />City Representatives Present: <br />Bridget Bacon, Museum Coordinator <br />Beth Barrett, Director of Library and Museum Services <br />Members of the Public Present: Lynda Haley, Louisville Historic Preservation <br />Commission (LHPC); Jean Morgan; Erik Hartronft and Randy Caranci; and Nico Magri, <br />Monarch High School student <br />III. Approval of Agenda: Members approved the agenda. <br />IV. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: <br />A. Jean Morgan told the LHC about her “Key Lime Pie Campaign” to raise money for <br />the reconstruction of the grain elevator. She shared pieces of her pie, which she will <br />make to order for $25.00 each. $20 of the proceeds from each pie sold will be <br />donated to the elevator to finance projects like framed photographs. <br />B. Erik H. and Randy C. presented a progress report on their work at the elevator and <br />shared photos and diagrams with the LHC. The “mitigation phase” is finished. <br />Stabilization and structural work is under way. Foundations for the porte cochere and <br />scale have been excavated. A main grain hopper and the location of the main auger <br />that brought grain into the elevator have been located, but there is no auger machinery <br />to be found. Wooden siding on the south end of the building is being replaced. The <br />City had approved funding to complete this phase of work. Any further work (painting, <br />a new sign, and other internal construction) will require funding from public or private <br />sources. <br />Erik and Randy asked if the LHC could be the 501c3 through which money for these <br />projects flows. Erik stated that this would be a local alternative instead of making a <br />similar request of Historic Boulder, Inc. The LHC suggested that they meet with the <br />City of Louisville <br />Louisville Historical Museum <br />749 Main Street Louisville CO 80027 <br />303-665-9048 (phone) 303-335-4550 (fax) <br />