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Memorandum <br />6/20/2014 <br />To: Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />From: David Hsu and Jim Bradford <br />Re: LSAB I Energy Efficiency plan (As discussed at the 6/18/2014 LSAB Meeting) <br />The purpose of this memo is to present some ideas for the development of an energy efficiency (EE) roadmap for <br />the City of Louisville, Colorado. From the May, 2014 minutes, the main goals for the June 2014 meeting are as <br />follows: <br />• define what category means <br />• community engagement strategy <br />• tentative project schedule <br />A key element not covered in this memo is how to find and leverage resources to design and implement an actual <br />program. Implementation of an EE initiative will require a commitment from the city beyond the LSAB. A formal <br />plan with funding sources will increase the likelihood of a successful EE initiative. <br />Define what category means: what is "energy efficiency ?" <br />LBNL definition of energy efficiency: "Using less energy to provide the same service" <br />Engineering definition of efficiency: Efficiency = Output / Input <br />A more useful definition may be something like the "Reduction of energy use (and thus GHG) in the built <br />environment, including residential, commercial and industrial facilities, and exterior lighting." <br />I don't think we need to too hung up on definitions, energy efficiency is not a difficult to understand idea. <br />Community Engagement Strategy <br />Community engagement is critical to any EE program. In fact, it is probably the center point of any <br />community- facing initiatives. Community engagement will be used to inform various stages'" of the EE initiative. <br />1 Vision: Moving Louisville toward a more sustainable future. Mission: Promoting sustainability through energy <br />efficiency, resource conservation, and localization, to better the environment, social well- being, and economic viability of <br />the City of Louisville. <br />'" (1) The first stage should be to more fully understand the wants and needs of the community. (2) The second <br />stage would be to engage the community so that any identified goals can be realized. (3) The third stage may be <br />actual implementation of the EE initiative. (4) The fourth stage may be maintaining and refining the initiative based <br />on reliable feedback and measurement of progress towards goal attainment. <br />