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<br />Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 8, 2014 <br />Page 10 of 13 <br /> <br />the future to be processed. There are two sources of noise associated with the railroad, <br />the horn and its decibel level and vibration associated with the wheels. <br />Brauneis asks about the street lamp with its traditional styling and if there is any up- <br />lighting? It is not shown in the drawing how it addresses that. <br />McClure says there is a photometric plan with all final PUDs to address up-lighting and <br />there are values on all lights. That particular light pole was specifically selected to <br />match downtown street furnishings and downtown street lights. This was a specific <br />request from Staff and a desire of mine as well. We are also cognizant of placement of <br />lights to make sure we are not creating any light pollution. <br />Brauneis asks about house side shielding, but does this prevent up-lighting? <br />Specifically, with the shape of the bulb itself or the glass, it appears there may be fairly <br />significant amount of up-lighting. <br />McClure answers he will look at the photometric plan to make sure there is no up- <br />lighting. If we want to apply a condition to the potential resolution of approval, that <br />would be agreeable. <br />Russ answers about lighting. The light meets the acorn standard but it provides a metal <br />cap. The metal cap will keep light from spilling up. It is a circular shape so there will be <br />more light escape. Staff thinks this is a more moderate version of the historic acorn that <br />respects the up-lighting concerns. There is more spillage than other streetlights seen in <br />other commercial developments. <br />Brauneis says there are some great submittals. They are not the character of the type <br />of light we like seen in this area. We would like to look further within the acorn shape so <br />it will have the same appearance in the daytime and yet give us the light where needed <br />at night. The applicant has indicated they are willing to have this as an additional <br />condition. Is Staff comfortable with the request? <br />Russ answers Staff is comfortable with the request to look at up-light issue. <br /> <br />Public Comment: <br />None. <br /> <br /> <br />Closing Summary and request by Staff and Applicant: <br />Staff believes it meets spirit and intent of the Highway 42 Roadway Plan in creating the <br />grid, the Highway 42 Framework Plan, the Mixed Use Development Design Standards, <br />the Louisville Municipal Code, and the Comprehensive Plan. The only waivers are in <br />reference and respect to the historic character of the City. Staff recommends approval <br />with the conditions listed. No comments from applicant. <br /> <br /> <br />Closed Public Hearing and discussion by Commission: <br /> is in favor. The three conditions Staff proposed are appropriate, the waivers <br />seem justified, and the transition zones are addressed appropriately. <br />Tengler is in support. <br />Moline is in support. <br />Brauneis concerned about transition between the adjacent neighborhood and the <br />proposed townhomes on Griffith Street. He appreciates that over time, we may see <br />