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ILZ Cityof <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO • SINCE 1878 <br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 <br />Louisville Public Library <br />First Floor Meeting Room <br />951 Spruce Street <br />7:OOpm <br />I. Call to Order: Helen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. <br />II. Roll Call: <br />Board Members Present: Mike Schantz, Helen Moshak, Christopher Smith, Laura Scott <br />Denton, Linda Smith, Missy Davis, Tom Davinroy <br />Board Members Absent: Spencer Guthrie <br />Staff Members Present: Ember Brignull and Diana Trettin <br />City Council Member Present: Jeffery Lipton <br />III. Approval of Agenda: Missy moved to approve the agenda as written. Linda <br />seconded. The motion was passed unanimously. <br />IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes: <br />Christopher found a spelling error in the previous meeting's minutes. In Section VI, <br />Bullet 1, "Colton" needs to be spelled "Coalton." <br />Linda moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting with the aforementioned <br />correction. Missy seconded. The motion was passed unanimously. <br />V. Public Comments for Items Not on the Agenda: None <br />VI. Discussion Item: Introduction of C + B Design Team, Wayfinding Consultants <br />The consultants for the City Open Space wayfinding project are Kristin Cypher of C + B <br />Design, Scott Belonger of Loris & Associates, and Patsy McEntee of Terre Sky Studio. <br />One or more of them will be presenting at each OSAB meeting between now and <br />January. <br />Kristin Cypher of C + B Design spoke first. The overall goal of the project is to improve <br />wayfinding and public health via improved access, awareness, and usability of the city <br />trail network. Scott and Patsy are working on trail connections and signage. Kristin's <br />expertise is wayfinding on trails. Kristin is hoping that OSAB will advise on ideas, <br />including aesthetics, as representatives of the user group. She also wants input on <br />branding and citizen outreach. Kristin is also in charge of corning up with phased plans <br />for implementation and corning up with cost estimates. Signage should ideally be <br />City of Louisville <br />Parks & Recreation Department 749 Main Street Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4735 (phone) 303.335.4738 (fax) www. ci.louisville. co. us <br />