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2. Prehistoric and historic archaeological sites shall meet one or more of the following: <br />a. Architectural. <br />(1) <br />(2) <br />b. Social. <br />(1) Potential to make an important contribution to the knowledge of the <br />area's history or prehistory. <br />(2) Association with an important event in the area's history. <br />(3) Association with a notable person(s) or the work of a notable <br />person(s). <br />(4) A typical example /association with a particular ethnic group. <br />(5) A unique example of an event in Louisville's history. <br />c. Geographic /environmental. <br />(1) Geographically or regionally important. <br />Exhibits distinctive characteristics of a type, period or manner of <br />construction. <br />A unique example of structure. <br />3. All properties will be evaluated for physical integrity and shall meet one or more of <br />the following criteria: <br />a. Shows character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or <br />cultural characteristics of the community, region, state, or nation. <br />b. Retains original design features, materials and /or character. <br />c. Remains in its original location, has the same historic context after having <br />been moved, or was moved more than 50 years ago. <br />d. Has been accurately reconstructed or restored based on historic <br />documentation. <br />Staff has found this application complies with the above criterion by the following: <br />Architectural Significance — Exemplifies specific elements of an <br />architectural style or period. <br />The structure has been maintained as a strong example of the commercial <br />architectural style of the late 19th and early 20t h centuries. It has retained <br />many of the details of its original design and is one of the few commercial <br />structures from this era still in Louisville. <br />Social Significance - Exemplifies cultural, political, economic or social <br />heritage of the community. <br />The structure is one of only two Front Street saloons still standing from the <br />days when all drinking establishments were limited to the east side of <br />Front Street. <br />Geographic /environmental Significance - An established and familiar <br />natural setting or visual feature that is culturally significant to the history of <br />Louisville. <br />The structure is in a prominent location, signifying the entrance to <br />Downtown along Pine Street, and is one of the most recognizable <br />buildings in the City. <br />5 <br />