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RE:SOI,UTIAN ~~F GOVE1tN1tvG L+OUY or nt~N[..r~~~;•i~r <br />Resaluticn No. -..~~s':ls~~_1973 <br />Q~•:>c~:ation aut::vr.i~ing filrng of application, signing) of all ne~•~s:,ary <br />~i~.:am~~;ts and receiving of hal~nents associated with the I~'edeial ~,~ter <br />t'~~Ilutior~ Control A.ministration, United States of America and more par- <br />ti.ularly f~~r a ;)rant under the Water Pollution Control Act, (33 U.S.C. <br />46u eL seq.) <br />WHEPFAS under tiu~ t~:raa of ti.~e Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 4G6 et: :.c-;,) <br />the ~tni.ted States ;>f ATeri::a has authorized tht m:.kir.y of grants to author ;ztc <br />apF'icants to aid in `. he con,~truction of specific pui,lic projects, <br />NOW THEREFOkE, bE 1 t resolved by. I;ouis vi1~~Scit~..GQlincil <br />(Governing Body of l.ppli.cant) • ~~ <br />1. That Lawrence Carm e, i_ is herevy~authvrized to execute ai,9 <br />(Name and Title: of official) <br />file an,ion on behalf of ..~._.Sr.~tY Qa`..IRUi;3.,~r~,L],e _ _ <br />(Legal I~~xme of Applicant) " y <br />with the United States Government for a grant to aid in the construction c~ <br />Interceptor Sewer lire and underdrain -Enlargement of Wastewater TreatnAnt Plont <br />(Brief Description of Project) "~ <br />and is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as t-he Fedet~~ <br />Water Pollution Control Administration may reasonably request in•.tio:: war': <br />such application and to sign all necessazy documents and receive p~~r:;t.nt.. . <br />CERTIFICATE GF:RECORDING OFFICER <br />The un:)ersigned duly qualified and acting City Cl rk of tl~,e Cit oP <br />~-- _.~ <br />(Title of Officer) (i,PC,,:l_.._-_"-`~ <br />Louisville does hereby certify: <br />Name of Applicant) <br />That the attached reuoliition :is a true and correct. copy of the re5oluticrl ,,,r:..•:- <br />izing the f.tling of application with the Federal Water Pollution Cun;:rol Aa<<~ar..- <br />stration, as regularly adopteci at a legally convened neat_ing or the Qlt~_ _ <br />(rium~ v: <br />of I+oitisville ,_ duly held on the 6~~.. day of ~ Fgabre~arr_ <br />Governing Body of Applicant) <br />'9~, and,: further, that such resolution has~been-fully recorded an the ~curna• <br />cf proceedngs and records in my office. . <br />IN WITNESS WHJrREOF, I have '•exeunto set my hand this ~~t~dy of _~~~~ <br />1 °-f~~ <br />G <br />~, ~ - <br />City Clerk <br />(Title of RQCOrdinq Officer) <br />(SEA:.) <br />I f arplacant has of f is i.a 1 sen,l. , impress here. <br /> <br />