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r <br />CITY OlE' LOUISVILLE, CO:.,ORADO <br />RESOLUTION ~~~, <br />Series 1973 <br />RES~~LUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE APPROVING <br />NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL INCREMENT, FILING OF <br />APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, AND URBAN RENEWAL PLAN <br />WHEREAS, under •the provisions of Title I of the Housir., <br />Act of 1949, as amended, the Secretary of Housing and Urban <br />Development is authorized to provide financial assistance to <br />Local Public Agencies :Eor undertaking and carrying out Neighbor- <br />hood Development Programs; and <br />WHEREAS it is provided in such Act that contracts for <br />financial ate:: thereunder shall require that the Urban Renewal <br />Plar. for the respective urban renewal area comprising the <br />1~~:~yhborhood Development Program be approved by the governing <br />body of the locality i;n which the area is situated and that <br />such approval include :findings by the governing body that: <br />(1) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is <br />necessary to enable the Program to be undertaken in accordancF <br />with the Urban Renewal Plan; (2) the Urban Renewal Plan w~ll <br />afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound neeus ~.- <br />the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelop- <br />went of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the <br />Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a general plan for the develop- <br />ment of the locality as a whole; and (4) the Urban Ren~~aal <br />Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate path <br />and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable rot <br />neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the <br />health, safety, and welfare cf children residing in tY,P genex~:i <br />vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; and <br />WHEREAS the Local Public Agency has applied for add-~~..c~nd1 <br />financial assistance under such Act and proposes to enter into ar <br />additional contract or contracts with the Department of Housinc <br />and Urban Development ;for the undertaking of, and for making <br />available additional financial assistance for, the Program; any: <br />WHEREAS the Local public Agency has made studies of r`t. <br />location, physical condition of structures; land use; enviror.~ent:,_ <br />influences, and social, cultural, and economic conditions of the <br />urban renewal area or areas comprising the Program and has d• er- <br />mined that the area is a slum and blighted area and th,t ~L Ls <br />detrimental and a menace to the safety, health, and wel`a~ ~r <br />tree inhabitants and users thereof and of thr~ Locality :t ...:r.;~~, <br />i~ccause the area contains a predominance of residenti~~ ar,~ <br />r.~~n-residential buildings and improvements, which by zs <br />of dilapidation, deterioration, age, obsolescense, in a...,c; , <br />provision for ventilation, light, air, sanitation and ot~cyn ~ , <br />and the existence of conditions which endanger life or pj-,,~~, <br />by fire and other causes, substantially impairs and ari-eti~ .~ <br />sound growth of the Locality, retards the provision of hc• <br />accomodations, and is an economic and social liabilit}•, ~,t.t <br />members of this Governing Body have been fully appris~ h~ <br />Local Public Agency and are aware of these facts ~•~nd :~, ~na ; <br />and <br />