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CITY OF" LOUISVILLE, COLORADO <br />RESOLUTION 16, Series 1973 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR LOCAL ADOPT,[ON OF A REGIONAL HOUSING PLAN. <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Louisville recognizes <br />that sound and adequate shelter is a basic human need, that each resident <br />in the Denver region is entiitled to a decent home, and that the provision <br />of this housing is a public <~s well as private responsibility; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Louisville is a participating member of <br />the DRCOG and as such has participated in the DRCOG development and adoption <br />of a Regional Housing Plan, including a Regional Housing Allocation Model. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, B'~E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City <br />of Louisville that: <br />Section 1: It hereby affirms its role in the implementation <br />of the DRCOG Regional Housing Plan, including <br />the Regional Housing Allocation Model as described <br />in resolutions and attachments thereto, as adopted <br />by the DRCOG December 13, 1972. <br />Section 2: It hereby agrees to prepare and adopt by December, <br />1973 its own plan for implementation that recog- <br />nizes the provisions of the adopted Regional <br />Housing Plan and its own unique housing situation. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1973. <br />-Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />