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,~ <br />RBSCI.dJTIf~t <br />QB 1`HS BQARA C~+ TdtUSTESS OF THE Tt1YtIN CiF L~IISVILLB <br />WHE°.EAS, The Board of Trustees of the Town of Laui.svilit is aware of the <br />znereasi~~g need for new sa~tr,ces of water for Boulder County and the Eastern <br />siopr, of Colorado, in order that td~e various Towns, inc7.uding the Town of <br />Louisville, may coatizwe to grow ate prosper= and <br />itHEREAS. The Board of Trustees of the Tawn of Louisville is interested <br />giving its help in making a study and investigation of the possibility of dev- <br />eloping near sources of water for Boulder County, the 8arstern slope of Colorado, <br />and the Town of Lauisviile~ and <br />V~fFdRE~A.S, Joe A4adon,-~a, of ~:he Louisville Chamuer of ComYnerce, ins willing <br />to devote same of his time in order to represent the Tsaavn of Louisville an the <br />im~estigation and study of said water development; and <br />Y~IiERL'AS, The United States Bureau of Realaxatian intends to make a study <br />of the possibility of obtaining water from the Ei1ue River for the Western slope <br />of Colorado, and laic! Bureau of fteclamatian would like the cooperation and <br />assistance of the various Towns on tie .'tiattern slaps, at na east to said Towns <br />far making said study and investigatian. <br />NUPd, TiiEa'tEFCRR, BE I1" RI;SQLV.~B, kdy the Board of Trustees of the Town of <br />Louisville, that the Town of Louisville will cooperate with the Bureau of Re+~- <br />lamation in its study and imrestigation of the passibility of obtaining water <br />from the Blue River far Boulder County and the Eastern slaps of Colorado. And <br />that Jere Madonna be hereby appointed to represent the Town of Louisville and <br />thexeby work out azxi, cooperate with the t3ureau of Reclamation in determining <br />the feasibility of obtaining Blue driver water far Boulder County, ttre Western <br />slope of Colorado, and the Town of Louisville. <br />Introduced, read, passed ancd adopted this 7th day of May, 1957. <br />ATTEST: Mayor.. <br />