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a~s~~.u~rxax <br />1Yl~1#3RBAi, the City of Louisville, C:alarada, Hour gas an deposit <br />several accounts for its severe. funds, end. <br />~~$, 3.# is de beneficial tbat all of the BGCal~tflt+3, bath <br />general and special, should b+c ,3oined in a single checking and/or sav <br />ingot aceaa~nt. and <br />t~lBRgAS, such authority is granted ta- the City Cetiuncil under <br />the ~rovisioas of C. x.~. 139-~39~7 (1953)* <br />, '1"R~4AB, the t'~ty 't`reasurer is hereby authorised to merge <br />all of the checking and savings accounts into one general accvn~nt far <br />checking and savings in the Pirst Dfational Baa1c of Louisville. <br />A~lPT~ this ~~~~;~.~ day r-f ,)uly, 1964, at Louisville, Colorado. <br />.U.. ,Z <br />ayor <br />A3~~$T: <br />~~~ <br />tyCer <br />