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RIsSOLi7TTON <br />City Council <br />City of Louisville <br />WFiF.ItEAS, the City of Louisville in conjunction with the municipali- <br />ties of Superior, Lafayette and Erie, caused a study to be made of the Caal <br />Creek Drainage Basin, and <br />WHEREAS, it is recognized brat one of the essential needs of a modern, <br />progressive, desirable type of couununity is to have a complete well balanced <br />water system, which system of necessity to be complete must include adequate <br />raw water resources, raw water storage with sufficient carry over storage, a <br />modern treatment plant with treated water storage and properly engineered trans- <br />mission and distribution systems, anti <br />WFiERFAS, tare water program must proceed in phases and stages of develop- <br />ment because of the large sums of money rczquired, and <br />WHEREAS, stages must be separated into intermediate needs and long <br />range needs, and <br />Wfi~.`3tEAS, tare Citytras spent considerabi¢ sums on those various phases <br />and stages by having reconnaissance studies, water feasibility studies and others, <br />an d <br />WHEREAS, the Waters Ri~;3its Feasibility Study shows that the Coal Creak <br />storage project, as outlined by Ken t3runs and Associates, is feasible and said <br />study further shows it would be mast economical and efficient if done jointly <br />by the several communities, and <br />WFyERI:AS, Louisville 23as sl~.own good faith by participating financially <br />and otherwise in getting the project to its present status. <br />dOW, THEhFOP.E, be it resolved, brat if other communities delay or are <br />unwilling to proceed, then Touisville will singly proceed on its own or with those <br />still willing to cooperate with it to complete the project by all efforts to <br />bring the matt~Y to a successful conclusion and to seek assistance of federal, <br />state, regional. or arty other gavernr~ent entity that could benefit themselves <br />and be willing to parti.ipate with Louisville to see that tfte L'oal Creel: project <br />comes to a successful conclusion wit~in tine limits of its financial capability <br />to so do ttte same. <br />Passed by the City Council of Louisville at its regular meeting on the <br />~` day of October, ~`"'?' ;~ <br />:--~ <br />4ayor <br />ATfiEST: <br />City ler <br />