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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 3, 2015 <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />The City staff and the Open Space Advisory Board are working to develop a policy to <br />guide the use of the funds and address the concerns relative to preserving enough <br />revenue to acquire open space land when they become available; ensure the funds are <br />not prioritized for maintenance and parks over open space acquisition and to ensure <br />there are adequate funds for these purposes, and in particular, to acquire open space <br />candidate properties. In recognition of this history, the City Council's policy regarding <br />these funds is as follows: <br />1. The City shall prioritize expenditures from the Open Space and Parks Fund to <br />ensure there is sufficient funding to acquire properties on the City's Candidate <br />Open Space ranking as they become available. Accordingly, the annual budget <br />shall allocate funding as follows: <br />a. Sufficient funding to pay for the City's share (joint partners) of the total <br />projected cost to acquire property, if they come available, the current top <br />three properties on the City's Candidate Open Space ranking. <br />b. If there are Fund reserves remaining after satisfying priority (a) those <br />reserves may also be budgeted for acquisition of parks and for <br />development, construction, operation and maintenance of open space <br />zones, trails, wildlife habitats, wetlands and parks. <br />2. To ensure there are adequate funds to acquire properties on the City's Candidate <br />Open Space ranking. <br />3. In the event City purchases of a Candidate Open Space property would cause <br />the year -end reserve balance in the Open Space and Parks Fund to be lower <br />than the amount specified in section 2, the City Council shall evaluate options <br />and commit to a course of action and timeframe to restore the reserve balance to <br />the specified level. <br />4. Open Space and Parks Fund resources may be expended only for purposes <br />clearly authorized by the most recently adopted ballot language and may not be <br />expended to support the Recreation Center, Golf Course, Memory Square Pool <br />or similar recreation facilities. <br />In calculating the proposed reserve, the top three Candidate Open Space properties <br />include approximately 350 acres of land. Staff's preliminary estimate of the average per <br />acre value of this land is $45,000 per acre, with some properties having a higher value <br />and some having a lower value. Some of these properties are adjacent to Lafayette and <br />the City expects to partner with both Boulder County and Lafayette to purchase those <br />properties if they become available (Boulder County contributing 50 %, and Lafayette <br />and Louisville each contributing 25 %). In other properties only adjacent to Boulder <br />County each party would contribute 50% of the total if those properties become <br />available. <br />