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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 3, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 16 <br />E. Approve Option to Extend Investment Management Services Contract <br />with Chandler Asset Management <br />COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE <br />AGENDA <br />Mayor Muckle announced a joint meeting of the Louisville City Council and the Boulder <br />Valley School District Board on Wednesday, February 4th, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m., at the <br />Louisville Middle School. Discussion will include several topics of joint interest such as <br />shared facilities (Louisville schools); enrollment and distribution of children throughout <br />local schools and what the new bond issue will provide for Louisville schools. <br />He also reported on the US 36 improvements, which will include two new express lanes, <br />bus lanes in both directions from Table Mesa to Pecos, improving the general purpose <br />lanes, significant improvements to bus shelters and ticket kiosks. Each station will be <br />given $75,000 for public art. RTD is asking members of the communities along US 36 to <br />review the artwork. Louisville has been asked to provide three people to comment and <br />vote on the artwork to be displayed. An application to serve on this committee will be <br />available on the City's Web page. <br />Council member Stolzmann stated her understanding that there would be one member <br />from the Louisville Art Association, one from the Cultural Council, and one resident at <br />large. Deputy City Manager Balser clarified the application process would allow an <br />opportunity for all residents to apply. She noted the City is also coordinating with the <br />Town of Superior and there is $75,000 allocated for each station. The RFP for the <br />artwork is through RTD. <br />No items to report. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />1245 GRANT LANDMARK AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT <br />1. RESOLUTION No. 6, SERIES 2015 — A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE <br />D'AGOSTINO HOUSE LOCATED AT 1245 GRANT AVENUE A HISTORIC <br />LANDMARK <br />2. RESOLUTION No. 7, SERIES 2015 — A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION GRANT FOR WINDOW <br />REPLACEMENT AND FOUNDATION REPAIR AT THE D'AGOSTINO HOUSE <br />LOCATED AT 1245 GRANT AVENUE <br />