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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 3, 2015 <br />Page 7 of 16 <br />business. The purpose of the Plan is to guide Louisville's city -wide preservation <br />program through the next 20 years. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Choke Cherry Drive, Louisville, CO proposed the following <br />edit to the purpose: The purpose of the Plan is to guide Louisville's "voluntary" city -wide <br />preservation program through the next 20 years." He felt the word "voluntary" should be <br />incorporated into the purpose statement to ensure historic preservation efforts remain <br />voluntary and respectful of individual property rights. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Council member Loo addressed the first sentence of the Vision Statement, which states <br />"will retain ". She preferred the words "should be encouraged ". She felt the word "will" <br />implies a mandatory purpose. She preferred a phrase which provides more latitude. <br />Mayor Muckle stated a vision statement does not require a Council action. The vision is <br />to preserve the City's historic past. He felt the word "encouraging" is lecturing. <br />Council member Loo stated in her experience on Planning Commission there was an <br />ongoing debate on the word "should" and "will ". If it appeared in a vision statement, it <br />was sometimes misinterpreted as you will do this. She preferred a non - mandatory word <br />and suggested "should retain or can retain ". <br />City Attorney Light stated the words of "shall, will or strive" in a master plan document <br />will not be enforceable without subsequent ordinances. The language would not be <br />enforceable against the City for a legal action because it is not specific enough. He did <br />not feel the phrase would bring support to any legal action. <br />City Manager Fleming suggested striking the word "will" from the vision statement. It <br />would be visionary and inspirational while not forcing the effort. <br />Council member Stolzmann stated there are four goals. The third goal, Prioritizing <br />Projects includes the revolving loan, marketing to residents and businesses and helping <br />the public to find landmarked properties. She did not feel this goal is included in the <br />vision statement. She was not sure the properties will be prioritized with the limited <br />funding. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Dalton had difficulties envisioning what will be in the Master Plan. He <br />asked staff to outline the elements of the plan. Planner I Trice explained they are still <br />working on the goals and policies, which will go into the plan. The subcommittee is <br />thinking about ideas on what will be in the plan. <br />