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/~y~, !~y ~~el ~~# ~o~ o~ Iti erFi 3.~.s Y'e~lt~/l~~a! the i'"'irl~!~a <br />~~'fi7fXik ~ x'~lasla~:b~.r~ ~~~~~ '~ o ~t,'~t~ i ~0'. ~~ i ~.L' ~lh~ ~~~Y~i~'~F <br />4t aw-lk~ ro~+a?.rs ~~ •xt~ansions, or ~T o~hep p~rpes~r Vic! no <br />sla~st ~~.~, ate mt~ae agsietst they 'fow-n b~ reason of the breakage <br />~er~via~ p~i.pea or rtri~3e c~ec~~ ©r from any other da,gg~e, theta may <br />rsat~tl~ ~`~ sh~tttimg o~"f' the ,rat tr or rerpairing ~ la~ix~g or <br />~a~~ mars, h~rdrants er aay atheix~ oonnec~ta~e. <br />ele- A fear of ~e-o Mars ~,,~ ml11 be +~har;~e~d <br />a1,1 sa.see~ fay t~ t~ we-te~.r, ezaept in seas ~f' t~ ~rat+~r <br />Ito the pr~d.see- ~`or t~aa t'irst time a2't e-r eratar ser+rir~,s is <br />+rstabli,ehe~d herein.,, or .axe ease I3ere~Eerrr are ~raaatsd aa~d wee <br />erataar Baas bbest toad e~P b? the •at ar epat~tm+t ~ #, iat <br />seen pr~-keet~~eea, i~a mss the eater has be~exa t~+dd of`t` hst~ause <br />111" a br+ca~c in that s ark. c e c c~nn ect fort P~-s . <br />;2e 19. '~khaaare~ shall bar hiss',; bar amp' c+ther ~~son <br />aettlaag derr this anthoriLy, uses yr tape ~ratsr t`ra~ easy pet~rt crf <br />the ~-o~~,aat a:"otssa~-d s~tthottt a lire ~ pN-~~ti~ or a~ha11, <br />w~thont asthcae~~.i~~r t'~ram 1-aid ^rata~r d$~,ment,~ opera atr hitch to, <br />t e~ fee sett , b oe~~ er ~e~wa-rr e: ~.~ f i ~s p1~tg e~ h~rant , s t np <br />soek tal~-m, ~a1~e t er ~ ®ther f3~~retat ~1"tain,i,ng to aae <br />•eete~ s-~ark~,, a~ta~.l ~,~ nth + +~amags ~ rratsr r~et~r or <br />shell ~.~~ t~'m ~~ e:~~ letteP kd ~'~'" f'rtt etm~r ~at+er plp+e mhere~re~x' <br />s~.teratsd wi~h~att a~atoa~ity. ltcerstm~- Pelt fram the Tcsrx~;,i shah <br />be d+asm Bailt~' s!` a ~aietdsn~anor, amd aas +cr"ia~tioet thererf'er shall <br />be f`~-etg not leaa Fir-e:, nay mar, thae~ ~'t~ ~allars, <br />8al~e ~0. All zat er rett es shall be ~»-~+e~t aga~i:net th+o <br />1'oPe-rr 'an erhie~b; it ias furniahepd and $gainffit t~a:e enr-ner thereat an,d <br />if +am ~ e~a~a~e a ~ awing th+etretor boar +~e2ngtt+~nt, a~; <br />the wat,e~ s,~ua1.~. 'fie tamed ett and no +~ase s~a.tll it be surged ~, <br />~o th:e same ~~ aetll all suoh dtigquenei,srr ahai], ha~ra '~eetaa- <br />laid i~ tt~ll gds u~nerabtip e~s~t,pation shah. t +erf"te~t <br />khs a ppliatat i+~ of shier aeeati~. <br />R~2e 21~ ~. accmuc~:tg fc~r xatsr sha31 be ~t ig the <br />of the vrrger c-1" t2~e gra~rt~r and net Sae th~- nab aaa tefsgttt <br />s vtxrme~r p,~ or his legal aui~~issd ag~t y ~-hal bo .head <br />resslkle ~"t~r a~a~sr rants ~ovi~ed t~tat ~srsous heft Burr <br />• lset ' '~~ au~I+lied cep their aeatt~tmstt s~~e it is istprae~tsafis <br />t o h~ ~ et a c e~t~at is the nae~e et th,e e+er~~. <br />ale g~. In all oases erhsre mater is ~- att ~" a <br />s ~tnst~r t+~~r a vi of at i ~ c~P th ~ axles amt ~ggl;ati one herein s+et <br />~'o~h, ~- toa,etighS hataatr writtea~ a~otic~e mill bey gisen f~~ aeaordanees <br />rrt~a. txae ruleeet erne3; a'etlation of th.s ~l~lic utilities t~o~sad en <br />g~r~rern;,;g eras ar , ut:'t sir # n the mat s '" Qo3 o~rae~ aa. <br />ale ~~. '9~he ',~ of Lau3:tst#,3~.e ~'eRs~*s the right to <br />l~'etsteRe ter sg~~ly w~Ntter,: rater li~ass er xate~ mss tt~ ~~Fsrrtt~' <br />~rnss-s where thee' east of ~rtzeh ~ra# ratsr lines or rrat~tr mai~ne, <br />aasd the maint+s~neeatce thetz'+atof, xi,21 be greater than the ree~ss <br />det~c-iv~ ther~-~oa* <br />~.® g~. :" Dash and ~e~ vio3atic~ ~t the a~i3:es and <br />rg~;~atioas esta'b13.ehe~t b~ thief c~rdnanee~, they attending party <br />eha~ b+s r~aeem g~t3t~r of a ~,iade~ea~+sr, and ngon ~z c~tti®t~. <br />thereat mehall b+e tined g+~t Zesa than 8.~4 aox- ~rre than.. 54.4t,-, <br />~etct~:o~t 8. ~hem~~-~rer an~r person sha2~, hefts bt~~tn oanYoted <br />~ se~aogd tis~o of a tt:+eiatian of ~~ one + m®re of then gri~trisis <br />of hfs 4rdiata~e, th.s Beard a~ ~~ttess ~,, r~rgardless of a~ t'io.e <br />ether peaaal~~ asssss::+~, ar int'liatte~! against hies f'or sgc~h s+t~ond <br />~riolatiam~~ order the p~+~tmises and uss of soh pet-seh m~ete-red for <br />~ tetttgt-~- ~tse of rrategt' ~ the.. eases pramisets by e+et,~h ctosts <br />-S- <br />., <br />