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~ .-' <br />ORDINANCE NO. ~~~ <br />AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE QPERATION OF MUBIC AND <br />AI~tTSE3+~ DESTICES AND ESTADLTSHING LICENSES, LTCE~I'SE <br />FPS ,AND REGULATIONS GOVERNIl+~ THE S,~4IE AND PRESCRIB- <br />ING PLNALTTE~S FOR VICrLATTON OF S,dIID RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />AND REPEALING OF ORDINANCES AND PART OF flI~INANCES IN <br />CONFLICT THERETO. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY TIC BOARD OF TRIISTEES OF THE TC#N OF LCD'ISVILLE, CflUpTY <br />OF BOUIIIER, STATE flF COLC~RADOs <br />Section 1. Licenses Required. No person, firm or corporation <br />shall o~rn any coin-operated music ar~ amusement device installed and used <br />in the Town of Louisville unlesas such person, firm or corporation shall be <br />licensed hereunder by the Town Clerk. <br />Section 2. License F®e. The annual license fee for ®ach person, <br />firm or corporation awning one or mots music or amusmnent devices installed <br />and used. in the Town of Louisville shaL1 be ~~t~0.00. <br />Section 3. Definitions. The term ncoisr-operat®d music and <br />amusement devicesn shall be d®emed to include phonographic music machines <br />and appurtenances thereto, bowlers, pinball machines, childrents rides, and <br />all other devices designed to furnish amusement ~-hich are m®chanical and <br />operated by insertion of a voin or coins. <br />Section J~. Impounding Devices of Unlicensed Owners. The Tovm <br />Marshal is hereby authorized to impound or cause to be impounded iri a place <br />of safe keeping any coin operated music or amusement device installed and <br />used in 'the Torn of Louisville, which is not owned by a licensee hereunder. <br />Ax~y device impounded under the provisions hereof sha7.l be released to th® owner ~. <br />upon payment of reasonable charges to defer the cost of i~apounding and storage <br />and upon payment of the proper awnerts license fe®. Ixi the event that the <br />owner does not obtain a proper license as required hereunder to secure the <br />release of such device, the impounded d~rvice shall be sold at public or <br />private sale by the Tawn Marshall to defer the costs of impounding and <br />storage and the costs of sale. The balance, if any, shall be paid into the <br />Town Treasury. <br />-1- <br />