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ahead as soon as possible. I would like to see at <br />the next Council meeting or at the very worst case <br />the last Council meeting in September the cable <br />people in to answer the complaints and see what is <br />going to be done about it. <br />Brand stated that a brief news release will be in the paper so <br />people can notify us about t:he problems they are having. <br />Howard: Stated he went to the first meeting of the Math <br />and Science Technology Commission. It looks like <br />there is a real purpose of the committee and that <br />is to better the math and science education <br />throughout the school level. Both Sandy Hume and I <br />live in the east county. We have an opportunity <br />for the people in the east county to get input to <br />education at the state level. What I would like <br />to work out with staff is to schedule a meeting <br />with the local school district so both parents and <br />the teachers can get together and discuss some of <br />the issues that Louisville has, then take it back <br />to the commission. <br />Hornbostel: Suggested to contact the SIT committee at each <br />school. <br />With no further business Mayor Fauson moved to adjourn, seconded <br />by Davidson. Motion passed„ <br />11 <br />