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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 17, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 20 <br />AWARD BID FOR THE 2015 DILLON ROAD / ST. ANDREWS <br />LANE TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />Public Works Director Kowar reviewed the warrant for a new traffic signal at the <br />intersection of Dillon Road and St. Andrews. It is a very important project for the <br />community and has been anticipated for a long time. Interface Communications, Inc. <br />was the low bidder at $318,000, which is within the budgeted amount for this project. <br />He noted the project is a few months behind schedule and the anticipated schedule for <br />this project is from March 1 to July 8. The project will have impacts to the medians in <br />the neighborhood by adding left and right turn lanes and a straight lane. <br />Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council award the 2015 Dillon <br />Road / St. Andrews Ln. Traffic Signal Installation Project to Interface Communications, <br />Inc. per their bid of $317,999.76. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mayor Pro Tem Dalton thanked staff for bringing this contract forward. He noted the <br />neighborhood has been looking forward to having a signal at this intersection for a <br />number of years. <br />MOTION: Council member Stolzmann moved to award bid for the Dillon Road /St. <br />Andrews Lane Traffic Signal, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. Roll call vote was <br />taken. The motion carried by a vote of 6 -0. Absent: Council member Lipton. <br />RESOLUTION No. 8, SERIES 2015 - A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE <br />ATKIN HOUSE AND SHED LOCATED AT 1101 GRANT AVENUE <br />A HISTORIC LANDMARK <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />Planner I Trice explained Resolution No. 8, Series 2015, is a request to landmark the <br />Atkin House and Shed at 1101 Grant Avenue. The home is located on four lots on the <br />corner of Grant Avenue and Short Street. The home was constructed in 1905 and <br />owned by the Atkin family from 1915 to 1984. Samuel Atkin was the foreman of the Rex <br />Mine. The one -story house has elements of the Craftsman style and has maintained <br />form and a high level of design. <br />Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council approve Resolution No. 8, <br />Series 2015 designating the Atkin House and Shed a historic landmark based on the <br />following criteria: — 1) The structures have retained significant architectural integrity and <br />