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Information Sheet about the Plans for the Louisville Historical Museum Campus <br />1. Facts about the Museum: <br />• The Louisville Historical Museum, which is owned and operated by the City of Louisville, <br />opened in 1986 at 1001 Main Street and it consists of four historical buildings <br />• It is part of the Dept. of Library & Museum Services within the City administration <br />• The Museum receives 2500 -3000 visitors a year, including many elementary school classes <br />• The Museum staff and volunteers emphasize personal interactions with visitors and sharing <br />stories around a table <br />• It has approximately 650 paying members in its membership program, with members <br />receiving the Museum's quarterly publication, The Louisville Historian <br />2. Museum Needs Assessment completed in 2014 by museum consultants <br />• Conservation Assessment Report in 2004 had recommended a new building for collection <br />storage, work space, office space, ADA restroom <br />• Needs Assessment conducted in Fall 2014 by Metcalfe Architecture & Design of Philadelphia <br />laid out a vision for a new building and changes to the Museum campus to make it more <br />functional, and proposed how the Museum can enhance downtown Louisville and become <br />more of a tourist destination <br />• A new building being called the "Community House" is proposed to meet the documented <br />needs for: <br />o meeting /gathering space for about 30 people <br />o ADA restroom and elevator <br />o collection storage and increased exhibit space <br />o work space for staff and volunteers <br />o research room where oral history interviews can take place <br />1 <br />