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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 14, 2015 <br />Page 14 of 26 <br />KILOWATT CAPACITY OF COMMUNITY SOLAR WITH CLEAN ENERGY <br />COLLECTIVE — 2 "d Reading — Public Hearing <br />Mayor Muckle requested a City Attorney introduction. <br />City Attorney Light introduced Ordinance No.1695, Series 2015. <br />Mayor Muckle opened the public hearing and requested a staff presentation. <br />Public Works Director Kowar explained the Clean Energy Collection proposal for an <br />investment in community solar panel arrays. The proposal provides for a lease <br />purchase agreement for community solar capacity in the amount of 145,890 watts. The <br />proposal was based upon a return on investment for electricity usage at the Sid <br />Copeland Water Treatment Facility and Louisville Sports Complex, which experience <br />peaking factors escalating average monthly bill costs. <br />The proposed 15 -year agreement provides for a lease purchase of 606 solar panels <br />representing 145.89 kilowatts of capacity with an initial estimated annual output of <br />245,686 kilowatt-hours of energy. The proposal represents non tax exempt financing at <br />a rate of 4.75% until April 24, 2018. The City may then, through written communication, <br />request a tax exempt rate at 3.50 %. This results in a net reduction in the City's costs for <br />electricity over a 20 year life cycle of $631,883. <br />Staff supported the lease agreement and believes it will increase the solar capacity <br />within the City by 50% and help offset the demand rates for the City's larger facilities. <br />He introduced Amy Thompson from Clean Energy Collection, who would address <br />Council's questions. <br />Staff Recommendation: Staff recommended the City Council approve the lease with <br />Alpine Bank. <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br />Council member Lipton requested more information on the non -tax exempt financing, <br />which could be converted to a tax exempt financing at a later time. City Attorney Light <br />explained for the initial period of five years, in order for the private investors to get the <br />tax exemption, there cannot be public use of the financing facility. Restrictions prohibit <br />ownership to rest with the City during the initial five year period. After five years the City <br />may request a tax exempt rate to convert it to a beneficial public use for tax purposes. <br />Public Works Director Kowar explained there are specific attorneys who review the <br />agreement for qualification, which affects the lending rate Alpine Bank can offer. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />