Laserfiche WebLink
allows, and/or by temporarily closing the data channel. (There is no charge for the short term <br />emergency use of a second dispatcher and dedicated alternate channel). <br />6. The AGENCY will appoint a CAD liaison officer or employee. BCCC will provide training and <br />query access to the CAD reporting system; utilizing BRETSA funded First Watch Triggers, for <br />the query of information, the retrieval of data, and the making of reports pertinent to the <br />AGENCY. BCCC will assist with these requests as well as whenever a CAD liaison is not <br />available or unable to access the information requested from the CAD system. <br />7. BCCC will provide statistical reports from the VIPER 9 -1 -1 telephone system for the AGENCY <br />as needed. <br />8. BCCC and the AGENCY will participate in a Communication Center Users Group. The <br />AGENCY will appoint a user representative to meet regularly with administrative and <br />supervisory staff from BCCC, to identify issues and work toward mutually acceptable resolution <br />of those issues or concerns. <br />9. The Agency Chiefs, the Shenff, the Communications Center Director, and the Sheriffs Office <br />Support Services Division Chief shall meet at least twice annually as the Communications Center <br />Policy Advisory Group. The Policy Advisory Group may discuss and provide input on any issue <br />regarding the performance of the Communication Center, its personnel, policies, protocols, <br />equipment, training, etc. Members of the advisory group may request information regarding <br />training, finance, equipment performance and replacement, CAD reports or data, etc. and such <br />requests shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br />The goal of the Policy Advisory Group is to collaborate and agree on major policies, practices or <br />technology changes which would adversely affect agency budgets. The Sheriff's Office will <br />stnve to gain agreement of the law enforcement agencies prior to making major changes. The <br />Policy Advisory Group will stnve to maintain mteroperable radio communication systems in <br />Boulder County. <br />10. The Sheriff's Office Technical Team will provide one annual fleet and/or portable radio system <br />programming or re- programming for either VHF or 700/800 MHz at no additional cost to the <br />AGENCY (as long as the system and technical access requested for programming or re- <br />programming is available to the Shenff s Office). <br />11. The Sheriff s Office will provide pager system access and use, as well as pager programming at <br />no additional cost to the AGENCY. <br />12. The AGENCY will be considered the "Custodian of Record" regarding any audio recording of <br />radio or telephone conversations that is recorded by BCCC that pertains to the AGENCY within <br />the AGENCY's law enforcement jurisdiction. BCCC shall provide an electronic copy of audio <br />recordings of any radio or telephone conversations, pertaining to the AGENCY, within 3 business <br />days for routme requests or within 2 business days for an exigent request, at no additional cost. <br />13. This agreement may be cancelled by either party, without cause, by giving the other party written <br />notice at least 180 days pnor to the date of the termination. <br />14. BCCC shall procure and maintain commercial general liability insurance or maintain self - <br />insurance adequate to cover the liability and other risks to which it may be exposed as a result of <br />the services provided pursuant to this Agreement. <br />