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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 18, 2015 <br />Page 16 of 18 <br />stated the issues of whether Albertsons has a right to challenge the UR Plan will not be <br />resolved this evening. <br />City Attorney Light entered the following into the record: The plan does not require or <br />initiate condemnation proceedings. Prior to the consideration of Resolution No. 60, <br />Series 2014, making the blight finding, the City provided public notice, including <br />publication and mailings to the property owners and tenants. Notice was provided <br />twice; which is more than required by the statute. He pointed out in the condition survey <br />and the resolution of approval; there were four conditions of blight found within the <br />property. The Urban Renewal law provides if there is no objection by the property <br />owners or tenants or owners of businesses concerned within the proposed urban <br />renewal area, to the inclusion of the property within a blighted area and a plan, the plan <br />can be adopted when only one factor exists. He noted the property owners provided <br />consent letters to the property being included in a blighted area. <br />Council member Leh suggested a motion to continue the public hearing to the <br />September 1st, 2015 City Council meeting. Council member Lipton apologized for <br />being late. He agreed with Council member Leh's suggestion to continue the public <br />hearing. In light of Albertsons attorney's contention the City may be subject to some <br />form of litigation by adopting the urban renewal plan, he requested legal advice on the <br />risks prior to the next meeting. <br />Council member Keany was not opposed to continuing this matter. If continued he <br />requested the Council conduct an executive session before the next Council meeting <br />and include the City Attorney and Special Counsel. <br />Council member Loo stated Council member Stolzmann's questions and comments <br />were good, and requested they be addressed before the next meeting. <br />Mayor Muckle stated his intention was to take public comment this evening and <br />continue the public hearing to the next meeting. He agreed an executive session would <br />be time well spent. He supported a motion for continuance and executive session. <br />Council member Stolzmann supported a win /win /win solution of private property owners <br />winning together and also the members of the public not having a blighted building. <br />She encouraged private property owners to get together and discuss this matter. <br />Council member Leh voiced his appreciation to the representatives from Albertsons and <br />McDonalds and for this evenings' discussion. He did not feel the Council was in a <br />position to concede the adoption of the plan creates a condemnation tool. Urban <br />renewal puts a plan in place to revitalize the area. He had no doubt the actions taken <br />were appropriate. He felt as public officials, they have a duty to explore different <br />alternatives and make sure they have the right information. He felt gathering public <br />comment and additional information is worth keeping the public hearing open and would <br />not prejudice the process. He supported an executive session. <br />33 <br />