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SUBJECT: 550 SOUTH MCCASLIN BLVD. URBAN RENEWAL PLAN <br />DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 <br />PAGE 2 OF 13 <br />Section 2/.2 is amended to say, " is the intent of the City Council in adopting <br />this Plan that LRC shall have the authority to exercise powers herein authorized <br />to be exercised by LRC under the Urban Renewal Law and which are necessary, <br />convenient or appropriate to accomplish the objectives of this Plan. It is the intent <br />of this Plan that LRC shall have the authority to exercise all such powers as may <br />now be possessed or hereafter granted to LRC for the elimination of qualifying <br />conditions within the Plan Area. Any exercise of such powers shall be in <br />accordance with the Urban Renewal Law and the provisions of this Plan and <br />applicable Cooperation Agreements." <br />Council asked for information regarding Albertsons Counsel's statement that Albertsons <br />has received no offers to remove the restrictive covenants. Regarding this issue, <br />Centennial Valley Investments has told staff that they have not made offers to <br />Albertsons to remove their restrictive covenant. However, they have made three <br />different offers to Albertsons to purchase the property outright from Albertsons. The <br />most recent offer was during a July 16, 2015 meeting attended by Albertsons /Safeway <br />Senior Real Estate Manager Lynn Miller, Centennial Valley Investments representative <br />Rick Dunn, and City staff Aaron DeJong and Malcolm Fleming. Rick Dunn has told staff <br />that Albertsons has not responded to any of the three offers. Centennial Valley <br />Investments and Albertsons may have further information on this topic. <br />Council also asked about prospective tenants for the property. Staff is aware of entities <br />that have expressed interest in the property but are precluded from operating there <br />because of the restrictive covenants. If Council approves the Urban Renewal Plan it <br />would facilitate the LRC issuing a request for proposals and responses to that RFP from <br />specific parties, which would outline the terms, conditions and timeline for occupying the <br />property and the specific tenants involved. <br />Finally, Council asked about staff's offers to the potential buyer before they purchased <br />the property regarding actions to remove restrictive covenants. To address this issue, <br />staff has attached a copy of the January 6, 2014 letter from City Manager Fleming to <br />Centennial Valley Investments, as well as an August 24, 2012 letter from City Manager <br />Fleming to Walmart Realty, which was referenced in the January 6, 2014 letter. Both <br />letters note the negative impact of use restrictions on the property as well as other <br />significant issues contributing to the difficulty of attracting new tenants. The August 24, <br />2012 letter to Walmart Realty states, "...the City is exploring all options to allow for a <br />new owner to purchase the property without the use restrictions ". The January 6, 2014 <br />letter to Centennial Valley Investments lists several factors, including restrictive use <br />covenants, contributing to the difficulty of attracting new tenants or new ownership for <br />the property and states, "City staff and I are willing to recommend to the Louisville City <br />Council actions to alleviate these factors if it would result in appropriate new tenants for <br />the property. Of course, any decision to approve, decline, or request changes to any <br />proposed economic development agreement is at the discretion of City Council." <br />COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />50 <br />