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SUBJECT: 550 SOUTH MCCASLIN BLVD. URBAN RENEWAL PLAN <br />DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 <br />PAGE 4 OF 13 <br />The City Council meeting to consider a determination of blight followed State law <br />Section 31- 25- 107(b)(1) requiring notice to any owner of private property located in the <br />area that is the subject of the study. Public notice for the October 7, 2014 meeting <br />deciding whether blighting factors exist on the property was published in the Daily <br />Camera on September 6, 2014. The Daily Camera ran an article about the action on <br />July 24, 2014. Public notice of the July 6, 2015 public informational meeting on the Plan <br />(which is not required by State law) was mailed and posted at the property, as well as <br />noticed in the same manner as all board and commission meetings. Notice of the City <br />Council public hearing on the Plan followed State law. <br />"Deficiencies in the Blight Findings" <br />Bergman further asserts that the "City's actions (to find blight) leave the impression that <br />the blight determination was a pretext to eliminate the use restrictions on the Property in <br />order to benefit one private party at the expense of others." The Conditions Survey was <br />performed by a third party with experience in such matters (Urban Revitalization <br />Consulting) using an objective approach to identify blighting factors in accord with all <br />provisions of State law. <br />Regarding Bergman's other assertions, staff agrees with his stated preference to <br />"resolve these issues in a mutually beneficial fashion without resorting to litigation." <br />Staff does want to continue to facilitate discussions with Albertson's and Centennial <br />Valley with or without an approved Urban Renewal Plan to address the community's <br />largest and most impactful vacancy. <br />SUMMARY (From August 18th Council Packet): <br />Staff is asking Council to take two actions. First, adopt a Resolution approving an Urban <br />Renewal Plan for 550 S. McCaslin Blvd, the former Sam's Club Property. Second, adopt <br />a Resolution approving amendments to the Cooperation Agreement between the City <br />and the Louisville Revitalization Commission (LRC). <br />The proposed Urban Renewal Plan is intended to reduce, eliminate and prevent the <br />spread of blight within the urban renewal area at 550 S. McCaslin, the former Sam's <br />Club. The objectives of the Plan include the following: <br />• Create a retail rich environment where area businesses and residents can be <br />successful <br />• Re- tenant or redevelop the property <br />• Increase retail activity by encouraging occupancy of the property <br />Approving the Plan would give the Louisville Revitalization Commission (LRC) certain <br />abilities to address the blighting factors preventing redevelopment of the former Sam's <br />Club building on the property. Those abilities include: <br />• Develop and approve a project description <br />COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />52 <br />