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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 5, 2015 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />None were scheduled. Economic Development Director DeJong reports that Moxie is <br />doing well. <br />Concrete work is affecting downtown businesses. <br />Council member Jeff Lipton asked if BRaD should initiate some visits before the <br />holidays. Commissioner Angell said the Chamber will be doing a Shop Local campaign. <br />Angell said local clothing and gift shops (downtown) are struggling. Those businesses <br />feel the City is focused on restaurants. They need more daytime traffic. Commissioner <br />Menaker feels there is a misperception that downtown is doing great. Council member <br />Lipton said after the election perhaps BRaD can put together a focus group to look at <br />retail. Commissioner Angell said BRaD can't just focus on downtown retail. <br />Commissioner Menaker said BraD members need to look at past discussions and turn <br />that into policy discussion. Council member Loo said it comes down to more rooftops <br />and residents don't want that. Council member Lipton said DELO and Superior will <br />provide rooftops. CTC should also provide traffic. City Manager Fleming said there are <br />some capital projects we can do to activate the McCaslin area. <br />Commissioner Pritchard said the Small Area Plan is moving forward. Small businesses <br />are tough. BRaD needs a commitment from Council on the direction of the town and we <br />need the Mayor to advertise "Shop Louisville." <br />Council member Lipton said we need to set goals to move things forward. <br />Commissioner Menaker asked about the feasibility of an Economic Development <br />budget. Council member Lipton said asking for a budget place holder without detail will <br />be hard. City Manager Fleming said the City of Golden is advertising in DIA. <br />Commissioner Angell said the City of Lafayette and Superior sent coupon booklets to <br />neighboring municipalities — she will ask about effectiveness. <br />COUNTY ROAD BRIDGE UPDATE: <br />DeJong said Engineer Joliette Woodson reported the City is waiting for federal <br />environmental approval. CDOT will then do final approval. City Manager Fleming said <br />the City has been making the case with the congressional delegation and the federal <br />government that not having the bridge is a safety issue. The bridge should be <br />completed in 9 months. Expecting approvals in two months. <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: <br />550 S. McCaslin Urban Renewal plan has been approved by Council. Now in LRC <br />hands to develop a project description. Steve Fisher and Alex Gorsevski are working <br />with DeJong to develop the project description. The RFP will be approved by Council. <br />DeJong hopes the result will be a lot of proposals and creative ideas. <br />McCaslin Marketplace has new tenants. Additional tenants will be announced soon. <br />3 <br />