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DRAFT 11/12/2015 <br />ALL DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE <br />CITY OF LOUISVILLE ELECTION CALENDAR FOR <br />NOVEMBER 8, 2016 ELECTION <br />CONDUCTED AS A COORDINATED BALLOT ISSUE ELECTION <br />The following is a timeline for a special municipal election to be held on November 8, 2016, to <br />be conducted as a coordinated election with Boulder County, in accordance with the Uniform <br />Election Code of 1992, as amended. Deadlines required under Colo. Const. art X, § 20 for <br />placing TABOR ballot issues on the ballot are included. Citations provided are to the Colorado <br />Revised Statutes, as amended through 2015, unless otherwise noted. This timeline does not <br />contain all deadlines under the Uniform Election Code or all deadlines under the Fair Campaign <br />Practices Act. <br />July 19, 2016 Last regular City Council meeting at which to pass on first reading any <br />ordinance referring TABOR ballot issues to the voters. <br />July 29, 2016 <br />August 2, 2016 <br />August 16, 2016 <br />August 30, 2016 <br />In addition, on this date —or on any earlier date on which City Council <br />either passes such an ordinance on first reading or otherwise determines to <br />do so —City Council must pass a resolution formally calling the special <br />election. The resolution must describe the purpose of the election. <br />[Charter Sec. 6 -3] (Special election must be called at least 60 days prior to <br />the date of the election.) The resolution should include a determination <br />that the City will utilize the requirements and procedures of the "Uniform <br />Election Code of 1992" in lieu of the "Colorado Municipal Election Code <br />of 1965." [31 -10- 102.7] <br />Last date to notify the Boulder County Clerk of the City's desire to <br />participate in the November Coordinated Election. [1 -7- 116(5)] (100 days <br />prior to the election – shifts to Friday before.) <br />Last regular City Council meeting at which to pass on second reading any <br />ordinance referring TABOR ballot issues to the voters. (This date allows <br />the ordinance to take effect prior to certification of the ballot content on <br />September 9, 2016.) <br />Last regular City Council meeting at which to pass a resolution approving <br />the coordinated election IGA with Boulder County. [ 1- 7- 116(2)] (IGA <br />must be signed no later than 70 days prior to the election, which is August <br />30, 2016.) <br />Deadline for signing of coordinated election IGA with Boulder County. <br />[1 -7- 116(2)] (70 days prior to the election.) <br />1 <br />