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However, reserves may be used to provide the City time to restructure operations (as might <br />be required in an economic downturn), but such use will only take place in the context of a <br />Tong -term financial plan. Use of reserves below the 20% target requires authorization from <br />City Council. <br />In the event reserves are used resulting in an unrestricted fund balance below the 15% <br />minimum, a plan will be developed to replenish the reserves as quickly as reasonably <br />possible and presented as part of a long -term financial plan. Methods of replenishing fund <br />balance may include the use of non - recurring revenue, year -end surpluses, and, if legally <br />permissible, excess resources from other funds. <br />2.2 Open Space & Parks Fund Reserves. The entire fund balance for the Open Space and <br />Parks Fund is restricted by voters for acquisition, development, and operation of open <br />space, trails, wildlife habitats, wetlands, and parks. <br />The minimum fund balance of the Open Space and Parks Fund shall be maintained at or <br />above 15% of current operating expenditures. For purpose of this policy, operating <br />expenditures include only open space and parks operations and exclude all interfund <br />transfers and capital outlay. <br />The targeted fund balance of the Open Space and Parks Fund will include the minimum <br />fund balance plus an amount sufficient to cover the City's share (considering other likely <br />joint partners) of the total projected cost of acquiring the three highest priority candidate <br />open space properties. As the highest priority properties are purchased, this amount will be <br />adjusted. <br />Use of reserves below the targeted amount requires authorization from City Council. In the <br />event reserves are used to acquire open space property resulting in a fund balance below <br />the targeted amount, a plan will be developed to replenish the reserves as quickly as <br />reasonably possible and presented as part of a Tong -term financial plan. Methods of <br />replenishing fund balance may include transfers from other funds, securing loans from other <br />agencies to jointly purchase property, seeking approval of bonds to finance property <br />acquisition, and /or delaying /reducing expenditures for development, construction, operation, <br />and maintenance of open space zones, trails, wildlife habitats, wetlands, and parks. <br />2 3 Cemetery Fund Reserves. The minimum unrestricted fund balance of the Cemetery Fund <br />shall be maintained at or above 15% of current operating expenditures. For purpose of this <br />policy, operating expenditures are defined as all expenditures, excluding interfund transfers <br />and capital outlay. <br />The Cemetery Fund requires a recurring annual transfer from the General Fund to fund its <br />operational deficit. This transfer will be adjusted on an annual basis to ensure that the <br />unrestricted fund balance of the Cemetery Fund is maintained at or above 15% of current <br />operating expenditures. <br />2 4 Combined Utility Fund Reserves. The Water, Wastewater, and Storm Water Utility Funds <br />are enterprise funds and, therefore, the measure of reserves is based on levels of working <br />capital rather than on levels of fund balance. It is important to maintain adequate levels of <br />working capital in these funds to mitigate risks and to ensure a stable fee structure and <br />service level. <br />