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Recreation /Senior Center & Aquatic Center Expansion Task Force <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 16th, 2015 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />IV. Review feedback from the December 2 and 9th open houses - <br />Hilary Andren -Wise presented the feedback they have received <br />from the two open houses. The presentation will be posted as <br />part of an agenda addendum. The feedback forms are currently <br />available on -line as well as hard copies at the Recreation Center. <br />This portion of the feedback will close on December 31St <br />V. Recap tours of selected Recreation'Senior Centers on December <br />14th, 2015. Sink Combs led the task force on an exercise where Task <br />Force members shared their top three likes and dislikes of the <br />facilities that were toured. <br />VI. Build a Center for Task Force Members -Task Force Members <br />participated in a build a center activity that was included in the <br />agenda packet. Sink Combs will tally feedback and present the <br />results at a later meeting. <br />VII. Items for Next Meeting: <br />a. Communication Plan- Denise White <br />b. Updated Schedule and work plan -Sink Combs Dethlefs <br />c. Survey Results -Sink Combs Dethlefs <br />d. Survey questions and timing of citizen survey -Sink Combs <br />Dethlefs <br />VIII. Adjourn — meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm <br />3 <br />