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Citv <br />Louisville <br />(`Ol.ORAI7O • SINCE ! '878 <br />Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 <br />City Hall, 749 Main Street, Spruce Room <br />I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by Mary Ann Heaney. Minutes taken <br />by Claudia Lenz. <br />IL Roll Call: (Members present in bold): Jamie Bartlett; Jim Bradford, Mary Ann Heaney, <br />David Hsu, Claudia Lenz, Mark Persichetti; Justine Vigil- Tapia; City -Staff Liaison Dave Szabados; <br />City - Council Liaison Jay Keany; Malcolm Fleming <br />III. Approval of Current - Meeting's Agenda: Approved as -is. <br />IV. Approval of October 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the October 21, 2015 were <br />approved. <br />V. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: Malcolm attended the meeting to discuss the <br />LSAB Sustainability survey. There was a concern presented by one of the City Councilmembers as <br />to the process for the distribution of the Sustainability Roadmap Survey. There was discussion <br />concerning the same and a determination was made that the questions presented in survey were not <br />questions but statements. These were the same statements already presented to the public in open <br />workshop meetings earlier in the month and sent to the Chamber of Commerce to be able to receive <br />input on the sustainability roadmap from businesses. It was also determined that there is no process <br />of approval by the City in connection with surveys and how they are presented to the public. The <br />change was made to label the survey the Sustainability Advisory Board Survey so as to not make it <br />appear to the public that this is a City of Louisville controlled survey, which it is not. Results of the <br />survey will be discussed at the January LSAB meeting. <br />Mark Persichetti met with Shelly Angel (executive director of the Louisville Chamber of Commerce) as <br />well as Lea Yancey (City of Boulder Community Sustainability and Energy Specialist) regarding the <br />PACE Program. Mark believes Louisville should provide a green business award program, similar to <br />Lafayette. Lea Yancey and a member from PACE asked to be on the agenda for the January <br />meeting to provide further information and insight about the program. <br />Mary Ann, in her role as LSAB's city council liaison, said she is going to provide a quarterly update to <br />the City Council as to the activities of LSAB. <br />VI. Jay's Minute: Not in attendance. <br />VII. Dave's Minute: Dave and Mary Ann attended the meeting for vacant positions available on the <br />various City boards. This gave the community a chance to come and learn more about the <br />responsibilities and actions of each board before making an application. Mary Ann suggested LSAB <br />members review applications on the city website and provide feedback on the applicants they feel <br />would fit well into the current LSAB board. <br />Public Works Department <br />303.335.4608 (phone) <br />City of Louisville <br />749 Main Street <br />303.335.4550 (fax) <br />Louisville CO 80027 <br /> <br />