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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 7, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Mike Kranzdorf said Business Improvement District should be funding this. Tienken said <br />BID boundaries need to be considered. <br />Council member Lipton said if some patios are not rented, still put them out to maintain <br />streetscape but businesses cannot use them. Put benches in. No service from <br />business. Chair Loo said there will be enforcement issues. <br />DeJong has several concerns: enforcement would be an issue unless there is a bike <br />rack on the patio. If Bittersweet patio goes to Moxie, there will be a long line of bike <br />racks. People may complain about that. Commissioner Pritchard said we will lose Bob's. <br />He thinks DeJong should go door to door and talk to each owner. <br />Chair Loo said there seems to be consensus that the fee should increase. Consider <br />options: Council member Maloney thinks $1000. Mike Kranzdorf said that represents a <br />large increase but it is because the base is small. Chair Loo said we do not want to kill <br />the program by dissatisfying customers. <br />Money needs to be earmarked and set aside in an escrow account for tracking, auditing <br />and making sure the money is available for replacement. Annual maintenance should <br />ensure the patios last 15 — 20 years. <br />When DeJong discusses this with business owners, they should be reminded of how <br />much is being invested, by City, in downtown. <br />This item should go to Council for an update. It can be put it in the packet during City <br />Manager fees update. <br />Bittersweet patio could go to Moxie but what to do with the empty space? <br />DeJong will talk to business owners about a $900 increase in patio lease. <br />2016 BRaD DISCUSSION TOPICS: <br />In previous years, BRaD topics have been ad hoc. There has been interest in having <br />more foresight. DeJong reviewed the list of topics in the packet that BRaD may have <br />interest in analyzing. <br />• Patio program <br />• Street Faire <br />• BAP <br />• ICSC <br />• Urban Renewal <br />Council member Lipton felt BRaD drifted last year with no established work plan. He <br />would like members of BRaD to review the charter and mission of the committee. How <br />much money do we get, how much do we spend and what are the outcomes? <br />4 <br />