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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 4, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />None <br />PUBLIC NOTICES OF PUBLIC MEETINGS: <br />BRaD is required to identify the locations for Posting Notices of Meeting Agendas. <br />There was a motion to approve the following locations: <br />• City Hall <br />• Recreation Center <br />• Library <br />• Police department <br />• City of Louisville website <br />Motion was approved unanimously. <br />OPEN GOVERNMENT PACKET: <br />Chair Loo asked everyone to review the Open Government packet included in the <br />BRaD packet. <br />REVIEW OF BRaD GOALS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: <br />DeJong reviewed the goals and responsibilities outlined in Resolution No. 7, Series <br />2007. Does the group want to expand the goals and responsibilities and are they still <br />relevant and appropriate? <br />Commissioner Menaker opened a discussion about taking more initiatives to Council <br />and establishing a formal advocacy role. He feels there are some issues BRaD should <br />be more vocal on. <br />Council member Dennis Maloney asked what is the risk of not acting and what is the <br />Return on Investment? He said BRaD needs structure behind decisions. <br />Chair Loo said Council will be examining the role of Boards and Commissions at the <br />January retreat. Council will discuss what they are looking for from Boards & <br />Commissions. What do we want from the Business Assistance Program? How are we <br />improving communication? How will we facilitate economic development? <br />Commissioner Menaker said we need to be more honest about the state of downtown <br />business. The myth is that everything is great and that shapes policy. We need to look <br />at zoning at CTC to make it more marketable. BRaD should look for solvable problems. <br />City Manager Fleming said as a subcommittee of Council, the mission as outlined in the <br />resolution is a good one. BRaD serves critical role of gathering information. <br />3 <br />