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Business Retention & Development Committee <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 4, 2016 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />City Manager Fleming believes feedback does get back to Council. Council has adopted <br />changes to zoning based on feedback and BRaD's perspective. He agrees with Chair <br />Loo — we need to hear from the business community. <br />Jim Tienken agrees with Chair Loo that businesses may fear retaliation from the no- <br />growth community. City Manager Fleming said the Chamber should represent business <br />interests. <br />Sue - Is there is a place for an Economic Development Council separate from City? <br />Mike Kranzdorf agrees retention visits are good. BRaD should present minutes to <br />Council once per month. Sue — packets are so big, things get lost. She plans to make <br />announcement during Council comments as Chair of BRaD. Commissioner Lathrop <br />asked can we condense retention visit comments to present to Council by industry? <br />2016 BRaD Discussion Topics <br />Business Assistance Program (BAP) <br />There have been questions about the effectiveness of BAPs. Are guidelines still <br />effective? <br />Council member Maloney said criteria are good. How do we determine risk? If we don't <br />do a BAP, what is the consequence? What is the ROI? Commissioner Menaker said <br />much of a BAP is retaining primary employment. <br />Chair Loo asked if BRaD is willing to revisit BAP program, revisit report DeJong creates, <br />include a section on the value of primary employment, rolling in retail component <br />discussion, include what Aaron does weekly. <br />Downtown Parking <br />Chair Loo sees a role for BRaD. Council did not fund parking study. LRC does not have <br />money to fund study. Commissioner Pritchard suggested waiting till underpass is <br />completed and see what impact is. We need to look at permit parking for downtown. <br />We need an enforceable plan. Further discussion about what the impact is of not <br />funding parking study. Revisit parking and present to Council for consideration in the <br />2017 budget. <br />Signage <br />Planning Commission trying to clean up sign issue. For Centennial Valley in particular, <br />PUD regulations supersede the City's signage regulations. <br />Industrial sign guidelines at CTC needs a refresh. <br />Not a BRaD issue other than listening and forwarding complaints. <br />5 <br />