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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 16, 2016 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />Council member Stolzmann questioned the angle of the lot line. She referenced <br />Section 16.16.050 F, which stipulates "Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles <br />or radial to street lines ". She inquired how the lot line was derived. Principal Planner <br />McCartney explained the lot is angled because of the way the house is askew on the <br />lot. The lot line was set so the existing house complies with the 25' setbacks, and was <br />taken parallel to the askew of the house so there would not be any request for waivers. <br />Council member Stolzmann asked if a new structure would be able to fit on the new lot <br />given the odd shape. Principal Planner McCartney confirmed there would be sufficient <br />space for a second structure. <br />Council member Stolzmann addressed the code referencing double frontage: Section <br />15.15.050 — Lots E. Double- frontage, reverse - frontage, and reverse - corner lots shall be <br />prohibited. She asked Principal Planner McCartney to explain those types of frontages. <br />Principal Planner McCartney explained this request is to create a single frontage and a <br />single lot. A double coverage would have a through lot. A reverse corner would have <br />an indent into the property. He explained the request is to create a subdivision plat to <br />comply with the required zoning. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton called for public comment and hearing none, closed the public <br />hearing. <br />MOTION: Council member Loo moved to approve Resolution No. 9, Series 2016, <br />seconded by Council member Keany. <br />City Attorney Light requested confirmation the vote was on the revised resolution. <br />Council member Loo and Keany accepted the amendment for the revised resolution. <br />COUNCIL COMMENT <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he would vote against the motion. He did not support <br />subdividing properties within neighborhoods. He felt it is important to preserve the <br />neighborhood lots. He did not want to open the door to development investors on <br />oversized lots and replats. <br />Council member Keany voiced his appreciation of Mayor Pro Tem Lipton's comments, <br />but felt until there is a discussion about changing the ordinance, the Council has to vote <br />on what is presented to them. He noted the application met all the criteria. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated the application did not meet all the criteria and Council <br />has the legal right to vote against the request if it does not meet all the criteria. <br />VOTE: Roll call vote was taken. The motion carried by a vote of 5 -1. Mayor Pro Tem <br />Lipton voted no. Recused: Mayor Muckle. <br />