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along Coal Creek between Dillon Road and Cherry <br />Street. Of the 2:?7 acres, approximately 104.5 acres <br />will be dedicated to the City for use as a golf <br />course and 113.2 acres will be developed with 450 <br />residential units. <br />Wanush stated that: the net density would be <br />approximately 3.9 units/acre with the gross density <br />being 1.9 units/ac:re. The project proposes a six <br />year build-out. These units would generate <br />approximately 163 students added to the school <br />system with 75 in the elementary schools, about 12 <br />elementary students per year assuming that they <br />build-out at that rate. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this annexation and <br />recommend its approval with the following <br />conditions: 1) th.e land dedication for the golf <br />course should occur at the time of annexation; 2) <br />the letter of credit to cover unanticipated <br />shortfalls in golf course operations should be in <br />place at the time of annexation; 3) no more than 180 <br />units should be allocated in the first two years <br />(beginning with subdivision approval) allowing units <br />to be carried forward and thereafter 75 units will <br />be allocated in each year with no carry-over; 4) all <br />water rights must be dedicated to the City at the <br />time of annexation; 5) drainage plans for the <br />residential development must be coordinated with the <br />golf course design; 6) any infrastructural <br />improvements needed for the residential development <br />that must utilize the golf course (water lines, <br />sewer drainage, etc.) should be identified and <br />constructed prior to or simultaneously with the <br />construction of the course; 7) it is the <br />responsibility of the annexor to construct Dillon <br />Road from Homart Parcel Q to South 88th Street and <br />Cherry Street as i•t borders their property to <br />collector standards. Since Dillon will eventually <br />be an arterial, the annexor will either construct <br />Dillon and get recovery from the City and/or <br />adjacent property owners or, if timing is a problem, <br />escrow, with the City, the cost of a collector. <br />Annexor also agrees to participate in the <br />construction of So~.zth 88th Street. The extent of <br />this participation will be determined by separate <br />agreement with the Health Park. In addition, the <br />annexor should agree to contribute one half the cost <br />of a collector street towards the construction of <br />Cherry Street. These issues will be decided at the <br />time of subdivision; 8) in addition to the bike <br />trail shown on the general development plan, the <br />annexor must construct a trail to connect Heritage <br />Park with the Coal Creek trail; 9) the cost of all <br />easements previous]Ly purchased by the City or <br />3 <br />