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RESOLUTION #22 - PUBLIC HEARING - FINDING OF FACTS AND <br />CONCLUSIONS - MENKICK WEST ANNEXATION <br />PETITION Hundley explained that on Monday, staff met with <br />representatives from the Town of Superior regarding <br />the annexation that is being proposed. The dis- <br />cussions were very :Fruitful and it appears that <br />there is a good possibility that an agreement could <br />be worked out that is mutually beneficial to both <br />parties. Hundley si~ated that today, to ensure that <br />Superior's interests. were met, the City of Louis- <br />ville was served with a summons for District Court <br />Action which is the next step whenever you have two <br />parties who are proposing to annex the same piece of <br />property. As a result, all further proceedings are <br />to be held in abeyance. Consequently, Hundley re- <br />quested that Council continue the public hearing <br />until October 6, 1987, which would enable the City <br />to further negotiatE~ with the Town of Superior to <br />reach a settlement ion this issue. The annexation <br />and zoning ordinances for the 1.8 acre Menkick <br />Parcel were pulled from the Agenda tonight as a <br />result and will be postponed until the continuation <br />of the public hearing on this Resolution. <br />Mayor Fauson opened the public hearing and suggested <br />that in light of the facts surrounding the issue, <br />the public hearing be continued to the October 6, <br />1987, Council Meeting. Mohr moved that the public <br />hearing for Resolution #22 be continued to the <br />October 6, 1987, Citty Council Meeting. Anderson <br />seconded. <br />Sackett asked that ]3undley explain how the City <br />became involved in court proceedings with the Town <br />of Superior . <br />Hundley explained that the right-of-way along <br />McCaslin Boulevard is what is in question. The <br />annexation petition from George and Kyung Menkick <br />includes 1.8 acres of property and the right-of-way <br />of McCaslin Blvd. Since that property fronts <br />McCaslin, staff felt there was an interest on the <br />part of Louisville ito insure proper access to that <br />property, insure certain standards were met in terms <br />of road construction and as a result felt it <br />important to consider annexing McCaslin Blvd. <br />Sackett stated that it is important to understand <br />that the City already has valuable commercial land <br />on McCaslin Blvd. a:s a result of an annexation in <br />1986. If the road i;sn't constructed properly, that <br />land could be less accessible. This is not an <br />attempt by the City of Louisville to make things <br />difficult for the City of Superior. <br />6 <br />