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Don Shonkwiler, 53E~ W. Ash Ct., stated that he, as <br />an architect and land use planner, has been respon- <br />sible for many land use projects and buildings in <br />Colorado including several in Louisville and en- <br />couraged Council's ;support for the W-470 highway, <br />specifically the northwest alignment of W-470 be- <br />cause Louisville needs it as does the Denver Metro <br />area. Mr. ShonkwilE=_r stated that it will be criti- <br />cal in the years to come both to allow the choice <br />and the ability to move from one place to another <br />and to use W-470 as a land use planning tool for the <br />governments in the Metro area in planning their <br />future. "Mass tras:it in particular solve relatively <br />few of those needs of the majority of the people <br />living in this area., The number of people in the <br />area are not large enough to provide economic ser- <br />vice." Mr. Shonkwiler stated that there is a place <br />for light rail, however, that system needs to work <br />with other systems :in providing economic and effec- <br />tive service. "Buses and cars are flexible. They <br />can respond to where we want to go and when we want <br />to go there. Buses and cars require highways. <br />Planning requires a provision of those services at <br />or slightly before t:he service is needed. We don't <br />always get an opportunity to plan or design or build <br />a necessary facility like a highway as the need is <br />becoming apparent. W-470 is and will become more <br />needed in the future." Mr. Shonkwiler feels confi- <br />dent that a solution; to the question of funding for <br />the project will not. negatively impact those people <br />nor those property owners currently living within <br />the District. Mr. Shonkwiler cited the Boulder- <br />Denver Turnpike (U.S. 36) as a successful example of <br />planning a major thoroughfare that has enhanced the <br />quality of life by providing the ability to get to <br />and from work and services people desire and need. <br />Laurence Enrietto, 1000 LaFarge, stated, "Its time <br />we get traffic circulation in proper perspective and <br />proper priority and maybe this will also help clean <br />the air." <br />Other residents speaking in favor of the W-470 <br />Project stated that economic development is a <br />major factor in considering the highway. Some <br />felt that attracting business/commercial firms to <br />the City will be enhanced by W-470 so that the <br />burden of cost of services will not be the sole <br />burden of the taxpayers of Louisville. <br />Councilmembers asked Mr. Wurl to respond to some <br />of the questions/concerns of the residents who <br />spoke this evening. <br />4 <br />