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development. A letter of intent is the first step <br />in the application process and must be submitted <br />by January 31, 1986. <br />Szymanski moved that Council authorize the Mayor <br />to sign a letter of intent. Sackett seconded. <br />Unanimous. <br />RESOLUTION #14 - INVESTMENT <br />POLICY Hundley outlined for Council Resolution #14 - <br />Series 1986 which revises the City's Financial <br />Policy by expanding Policy #38 and replacing <br />Policy #40. The C'ity's financial advisor, Russ <br />Caldwell of Kirchner Moore, suggested that more <br />emphasis needed to be placed in the City's current <br />investment policies on yield and safety and that <br />the City's investments be backed either by FDIC <br />coverage or Government Securities as opposed to <br />being secured by mortgages. Hundley stated that <br />copies of these revised investment policies have <br />been distributed to all of the local financing <br />institutions for their information. <br />Hundley stated that this may restrict some banks <br />from bidding on al.l occasions because of their <br />particular constraints as they may not be able to <br />back everything with government securities. This <br />in essence could take them out of the market. <br />Hundley stated however that large sums of money <br />will not often be available for investment. <br />A member of the financial community, Carlyle <br />Rowland, First Federal Savings, commented on the <br />proposed changes in the City's policy. <br />Mayor Fauson moved that Resolution #14, Series <br />1986, be adopted. Anderson seconded. Unanimous. <br />COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS Hundley asked that Council set a Work Session for <br />January 28th at 7:00 p.m. and re-schedule a van <br />tour of the City for Council and staff on February <br />9th from 1-4 p.m. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS None. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Carnival commentec~ on the CML Workshop he and <br />Anderson attended Saturday and felt it was very <br />beneficial. <br />Anderson stated that the workshop was very useful. <br />He also gave a summary of the last Boulder County <br />Consortium meeting he attended. <br />5 <br />