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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2016 05 11
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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2016 05 11
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OSABPKT 2016 05 11
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />April 13th 2015 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Q. Ember was on a panel to review Fort Collins' prairie dog management plan, <br />which was interesting and informational. She learned a lot about urban prairie dogs and <br />how managing them is very different from managing rural prairie dogs. <br />R. Ember also attended a Bureau of Land Management workshop on re- seeding <br />wild lands. <br />S. CIPs go to the finance department this week. <br />T. The City is having a hard time recruiting seasonal employees this year. Golf <br />and Parks are both less than half- staffed. Apparently this is also a problem for <br />surrounding communities, not just Louisville. <br />VII. Board Updates - <br />A. Graeme is starting a new position as Vice President for Conservation and <br />Research at the Denver Zoo. His wife is the new Director of Early Education. <br />B. Graeme has been seeing lots of foxes. <br />VIII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda - <br />A. Todd Olinger (1026 Meadow Ct) & Terry Davis (816 Pike's Peak Ct) gave a <br />presentation about a fencing proposal for the City. Mr. Olinger is the HOA president of <br />the Grove at Harper Lake, which includes 89 houses. There is a fence between the <br />Harper Lake property and twelve of the Grove's houses, that was built by the City in <br />1986. The fencing on the east side of Harper Lake was replaced a few years back, but <br />the fence on the south side, abutting the Grove houses is in very poor repair. Most of <br />the homes at Harper Lake have gates in their fences, and satellite photos show social <br />trails between most of the gates and the lake. The HOA found a consensus for this <br />proposal amongst the 12 homeowners who abut the Harper Lake fence on the south <br />section. <br />This is the proposal: The city removes the old fence. The HOA partners with the <br />City to build a new fence, splitting the cost 50/50. They have a design in mind that <br />includes wire for dog enclosures, but they would seek the City's design input. Once the <br />fence is built it would become the twelve home - owners' responsibility to maintain it and <br />enforce the design guidelines. Private owners who want gates through the fence must <br />pay 100% of the cost of the gate. Mr. Olinger pointed out that this plan would ensure <br />style consistency around the lake and eliminates maintenance and liability for the City. <br />Ember reminded the board that questions for Mr. Olinger and Mr. Davis are fine, <br />but formal discussion must wait until next month, when it can be listed on the meeting <br />agenda as a discussion item. Christopher asked who owns the fence itself and the land <br />that the fence is on. Mr. Olinger replied that the fence seems to be right on the property <br />line and that it took 6 months to determine that the fence is actually owned by the City. <br />Ember said that the City attorney confirmed this. Spencer asked if the City is required to <br />have a fence there at all. Spencer asked whether the split rail fence on the western side <br />of Harper Lake has an enclosure wire design. Ember answered yes. Mike asked <br />whether there is any sort of City policy about gates into Open Space. Ember said there <br />is no gate prohibition, but building social trails and trampling vegetation would be a <br />violation. Mr. Davis pointed out that there may be some legal distinction between <br />"building a trail" with mowing and gravel and "building a trail" by wearing a pattern with <br />use. Laura asked if the HOA wanted to match the split rail design built by the City on the <br />west side of Harper Lake. Mr. Davis replied that the HOA had concerns about durability <br />issues for that style and preferred a "California fence" style. Spencer asked whether the <br />homeowners could build their own fences. Mr. Olinger replied that any homeowner <br />would have to come to both the HOA and the City for approval. The twelve homeowners <br />4 <br />
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