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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 18, 2016 <br />Page 9of11 <br />On December 16, 2015, the property received approval from the Board of Adjustment for <br />a variance from Section 17.12.040 of the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC) for lot area <br />and lot width to allow for a two lot minor subdivision. This referral is to give the HPC an <br />opportunity to comment on historic preservation aspects of the project and impact the <br />new construction. The comments go to the applicant, Planning Commission, and City <br />Council. <br />The existing house will be located on Lot 1, and there is the potential for another <br />structure on Lot 2. <br />Commission Questions of Staff:: <br />Fahey asks on Lot 1, is the width of the lot the normal width of a lot in Downtown. <br />Trice says it is a little wider. A lot of the lots are 25' wide, but most lots that are built on <br />are combined on two lots together, so it is 50'. This lot will be 57' wide. <br />Chuck Thomas asks what is the rationale in dividing the lot at 57' versus 50'? <br />Trice says the location of the existing structure affected where the dividing line. <br />Fahey says it is going to cut off the little shed in the back. Is it historic? <br />Trice says I don't know. My guess it is not historic. <br />Fassick asks if there is a proposal at this time to develop the new lot. <br />Trice says they have not submitted any building permits. Looking at one of the photos, <br />the shed does not look historic. <br />Fasick says if this is approved, it wouldn't come to us as a referral for new construction. <br />Trice says it would go straight to Building permit. After this, it will go to Planning <br />Commission and City Council for approval of the subdivision, but it can be anything that <br />complies with the RL zone district in the Old Town Overlay. It would be 27' feet high. <br />Fassick says we don't have any history of the existing house other than 1952. <br />Chuck Thomas says it is post war vernacular. The architectural context is not <br />particularly unique. <br />Fasick has no issues. Cyndi Thomas has no issues. Fahey has no issues. <br />Trice says in the Board of Adjustment, this could have been a demolition where they <br />built a house big enough for the whole lot. Subdividing it creates two smaller houses. <br />That is good for the pattern of Old Town. <br />Discussion /Direction — NAPC Forum <br />Trice says the City of Louisville was approved for a Certified Local Government Grant <br />for three HPC members and one staff member to attend the National Alliance of <br />Preservation Commissions (NAPC) Forum. The dates for the Forum are July 27 -31, <br />2016 and it will be held in Mobile, Alabama. Pre - registration for NAPC members end <br />April 30, 2016. The HPC needs to finalize the three members who will attend the NAPC <br />Forum. <br />For more information about the conference please see the preliminary program: <br />https:// www. regonline. com /custlmages /370000/370210/FORUM 2016 PreliminaryProgr <br />am Final Web.pdf <br />Trice says Koertje says he will go, but he has attended in the past and would like to <br />give other members an opportunity if they are interested. <br />Fahey says she will go. Haley and Koertje are possible attendees. <br />