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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />April 26, 2016 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />David Marks <br />Tammy Lastoka <br />Dan Mellish gave the annual report noting the Pioneer Award, the Historian <br />newsletter, museum membership, participation in the Labor Day Parade. He <br />noted the great collaboration with the Historic Preservation Commission. He <br />noted the work on digitizing photos, the need for additional storage, and the <br />desire for an additional building on the museum site. <br />Missy Diehl noted the History Foundation is the fund raising arm of the museum. <br />They are looking to collaborate with the city on grant work, collaborating with <br />businesses, and raising memberships all in the hopes of a capital campaign for <br />museum expansion. <br />Stolzmann thanked members for serving and thinks the museum is important but <br />noted the sell to the voters for a new building will have to be well thought out. <br />Diehl asked if anyone had good ideas for capital funding. Muckle noted grant <br />funding might be an option but it could be difficult. He stated he is supportive of <br />asking voters to use the Historic Preservation Fund for museum operations. <br />Maloney asked how far the digitization project has gotten. How much is left to <br />do? Bacon stated the photos are in the 5,000- 10,000 range and the artifacts are <br />close to 20,000 range. Maloney noted the artifacts help tell the story and we <br />need to make sure they are made available. <br />Lipton stated the issue is what does the Foundation need to effectively fundraise. <br />He stated they need program planning and concept drawings in place to start the <br />fund raising not completed schematics. <br />Diehl stated her concern is whether there is real City support for this project. <br />They don't want to start down the fund raising path without that commitment. <br />Keany stated conceptual drawings should be enough to get the process started. <br />He also stated the City Council eventually needs to discuss how much the City <br />will put towards this project to match what the Foundation raises. <br />Loo noted she doesn't want to raise expectations that can't be met. She added <br />that street maintenance is currently the City's highest priority leaving little money <br />for anything else and there is little flexibility in the budget. It is likely going to take <br />money from an outside source to fund the project or ask the voters for a bond <br />issue. <br />Keany asked what everyone thought was a reasonable timeline for such a project <br />and when the City thinks it can reasonably put some money towards it. <br />